SURPRISE! RIDES CANCELLED. Nobody even signed up. Hope everyone is having “fun” at P2A.
The weather sucked last weekend and this weekend looks even worse, if you can believe it. Regardless, we are posting this in the unlikely event that Environment Canada totally gets it wrong.
A wise poet once wrote that April is the cruelest month and 2023 is proving him right…
The routes are a little shorter this week, as befits an early season ride, but still fun with a little bit of variety. There’s an opportunity to stop for a quick break in Kilbride if necessary but both the Tour and Grand Tour groups should be able to roll right through. At this point, the weather isn’t projected to be great, with temperatures in the low single-digits and an uncertain forecast so check back here for a ride update, which I will post no later than 9am on Sunday morning.
*Note that the Grand Tour route finishes up at the West End Y*
Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.
Speed will be between 29-31 kph average
GCC members only. To become a member join HERE
Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE
Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 11:00 AM
Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson
Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Grand Tour