We’ve changed our name!
Maybe you have heard already, maybe you haven’t.
has changed its name to The Guelph Cycling Club. But don’t worry, GCC is still the same great group of people offering the same (maybe even more!) great riding experiences, just with a new name and logo.
We are still very proud of the SRCC name, it’s legacy and all the things we accomplished under that banner. You will see the old logo for many seasons to come in photos and on non-current riding apparel as part of the long, proud history of this club.
In the last few years, the club has grown in many ways. We have added annual signature events; expanded our ride offerings; added Gravel rides; created a more welcoming entry for new club members; maintained our commitment to high level cycling athleticism; been a presence around the province at cycling events; and we have become a recognized voice within Guelph & at City Hall.
The time has come to acknowledge our achievements and put on a more fitting moniker of our broader achievements. A title that captures all our activities, one that immediately lets people know who and what we are and where we’re from. Something with great simplicity that we can identify with, and be proud of. So after 18 good years as the Speed River Cycling Club, a resolution was passed at our December 2021 AGM to change our name to the Guelph Cycling Club. A new chapter begins.