Thursday Evening Advanced Road Ride

Thursday Evening Advanced Road Ride

This is an advanced group road ride with three separate speed groups to choose from where the route changes each week. Hammerfest, Very Fast & Fast.

Meet: Guelph East End Public Library parking lot.

Time: Be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM May-Aug (6:00 PM April & Sept). Meet 10 minutes before the start to get organized into the speed groups.

Parking: Available at the Library

Routes: The route is set by the Ride Leader and changes each week. The Hammerfest group will have a slightly longer course because of their advanced speeds. The route lengths are designed so Speed Groups finish in time for riders to be home before sunset.

You MUST be an GCC member to ride. You must pre-register on the ride posting.

The Three Advanced Speed Groups


R1 & R2-Hammerfest

35 – 40+ kph


Distance: 50 – 80km

This ride is for GCC’s fastest members. Those who wish to participate in this ride should have a very high level of fitness and understand what it means to suffer on a bicycle. This ride may break apart and experience race type attacks and surges.

You’re ready for this ride because you’re a very experienced cyclist and can handle all the lower speed groups without difficulty and are ready to push your limits.


R3 & R4-Very Fast

32 – 35 kph


Distance: 50 – 70km

This ride is for the experienced cyclist looking to push their fitness to a higher level.

You’re ready for this ride because you’re an excellent group rider, have ridden the R5 speed group rides without difficulty and can ride two hours non-stop at 32 kph speed or greater.



30 – 32 kph

Non Drop

Distance: 50 – 70km

This ride caters to the experienced recreational cyclist looking for a challenge. The emphasis is on cohesive group riding and improving speed and endurance.

You’re ready for this ride because you’re a good group rider, have ridden our R6 speed group rides without difficulty and can ride for two hours non-stop at 30 kph speed or greater.

  • Speed Groups will ride no faster than their maximum posted speed average
  • If you want to go faster than the average of your Speed Group, move up a group
  • If you are not able to ‘pull’ at the front of your Speed Group, drop down a Speed Group
  • R5 Speed Group on the Advanced Ride is not a ‘drop’ ride
  • Good riding practices and all rules of the road apply
  • Stop at stop signs – this bears repeating

The WEEKLY RIDE POSTS page is where the Ride Leaders post all the details for the upcoming rides including the route map, speed groups, length and any other relevant notes and reminders. Ride cancellations will also be up-dated on the postings no later than 1 hour before the start of the ride.

Click this button to see the current ride postings


Is there a minimum number of riders per Speed Group?

Yes, three. And yes, three riders can work together well. It’s a great exercise.

Is there a maximum number of riders per Speed Group?

Yes, Speed Groups will be limited to no more than 16 riders for traffic safety.

What happens if there is lots of demand for one speed Speed Group?

Multiple versions of that Speed Group may run.

What happens if I choose a Speed Group that’s too fast for me? 

Drop off the back of the group and join in with the next Speed Group when it catches you.

What happens if I choose a Speed Group that’s too slow for me? 

You can try and catch the next Speed Group if you like or just ride with your current group for the entire route and start with a faster Speed Group next week. 

How long are the routes?

Route length will be posted on the web site. The route changes each week and lengths change according to the changing daylight hours.

What must I do when I get to a Stop Sign?

Stop (does this really need to be said?). Seriously, just stop. 

Anyone going through a stop sign will get a serious dressing down with consequences from GCC officials or possibly killed by a motorist. So… just stop.

Fast Speed Groups and Stop Signs

If you are in a fast Speed Group that is breaking apart, see the above rule. Stop. Proceed when it’s safe to do so. Pretty simple.

For those being left way behind, it is strongly recommended that you wait at stop signs for the following Speed Group. If you can’t catch and stay with your Speed Group, then you are in the wrong group and will be riding alone trying to catch them – and that’s no fun. Just wait for the next group.

What to do if someone is breaking away or surging ahead?

Unless you are in Hammerfest, don’t chase them, let them go. Maintain your Speed Group’s speed average.

What to do if someone is lagging or struggling to keep up?

Ask them if they are ok. If they are ok but can’t maintain your Speed Group’s average, and if you’re not in R5 Speed Group, then maintain your average and let them fall behind. This is what it means to ‘Drop’ a rider.

What to do if someone is behaving dangerously?

Report it to a Ride Leader or GCC Club Board Member

What to do if someone has crashed?

The entire ride Speed Group must stop and address the situation as best as possible in accordance with Club Guidelines.

What to do if someone has had a flat or a ‘mechanical’ problem?

The entire Speed Group must stop and address the situation to make sure the rider is able to get going again safely or other transport has been arranged.

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