Thursday June 12th 6:30, Ride cancelled due to rain!

 Well the rain looks like it is coming our way, so the official ride is cancelled, however feel free to show up and ride if you wish it will just not be an official club ride.


  1. Okay I felt bad after cancelling the ride then going to the Y and watching the sun come up, but even GC was suggesting at 5:00 I should cancel as the radar really did have rain coming.
    Apparently the best way to make sure it won’t rain is to make me the ride leader so I can cancel the ride due to rain.

  2. Well there was rain but it was north of us. The NON club ride went south and other than a short lasting sprinkle at the start of the ride the weather was good. Big group showed up (19 at one point). Thanks Drew for taking charge and proposing the alternate route.

  3. Or the rain completely misses us…

  4. Ok sounds good. I’d heard mixed reports also on how circumventable this sinkhole was, but looks like you’ve got all the intel we need.

  5. Thanks Bayden,
    Yesterday it just had a little sand on top of the pavement but was easily ride able.
    The issue with Jones Baseline is the added distance as the ride is already almost 70 km and even though we are approaching the longest day of the year I prefer a bit of extra time if possible.

  6. Victoria road Sinkhole
    Is it fixed yet? Last reports I heard were that it is not, but i haven’t been down there to see it firsthand in a while.

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