Sunday Gravel Ride | August 8, 2021

This is the second annual SRCC Gravel Ride Through K/W. We did this ride almost exactly a year ago with Rich “I Ooze Gravel” Lyle as fearless ride leader. We were riding towards some VERY dark skies, but the weather got scared by our resolve and determination and it stayed clear of us. All the usual trail walkers were scared off by the weather so we were pretty much all alone on the trails. Will we have the same luck this time? Who knows.

We’ll start out on the Guelph-Goderich Trail then head off on some random gravel roads. We’ll hook up with the Grand River Trail through Waterloo. We’ll take a break at the Woodfired Cafe then hit the Walter Bean Trail, including my very favourite segment leading into Bingeman’s Park. We’ll nearly touch Hwy 8, before heading east back to Guelph via Middleblock, Mohawk and the best road in the area – Chilligo Road.

We will be riding on city trails for a good portion, so there may be some heavily trafficked areas. Ride slowly and predictably around people and use your bell if you have one. I don’t, so I typically say things like “DING DING” or “Get the #$@!% out of my way, sheeple!”

There are two groups: recreational and intermediate. Both use the same route at different paces. Check the schedule for complete details.

Recreational Gravel: 21-24 km/h average
Intermediate Gravel: 24-26 km/h average

Check back for weather cancellation posted no later than 7:00 AM.

Advance sign-up required. Click here: Sunday Gravel Rides. You will have to create an account on

Start time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start location: The Guelph Youth Music Centre – GYMC

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