Thursday June 15 A/B road ride 6:30 PM

UPDATE at 5:20 PM Ride Cancelled. Gonna go talk to my Bookie. I need to find a way to monetize the perfect correlation between me being ride leader and rain. Commodities? Hydroelectric utilities? Wagering? Anyway, if the ride goes ahead, here is the route – a classic ramble though Wellington County. On 124 and the small section of 7 through Rockwood we’ll go single file. There is also a small gravel section on 22 north of Everton but we’re all good with that – right? The rest of the roads are in fair shape but everybody be their usual careful selves. Final go/no-go call will be made at 5PM Thursday.


  1. I will be there as well!

    • Radar looks good from 6pm until at lease 9:30pm. I’ll be at the library for 6:30pm for an informal ride with anyone else who wants to join. Based on the weather so far this year, if we keep cancelling rides when the weather isn’t perfect we’re going to miss a lot of rides this year.

      • I’m glad that people are still riding when the forecast doesn’t look so great. We have to officially cancel rides if there is a threat of rain, so Gord made the right call. But unofficial rides are more fun, right? 🙂

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