Gord Drewitt

  • So here is a gravel ride that follows a slightly unusual route out of town. Yes we will be riding on 124 from Wellington road 29 to Sideroad 3. There’s a big gravel shoulder so we won’t be playing in […]

  • Thursday Advanced Road Ride | MAY 19, 2022 6:30 PM

    Coming this Thursday! A road ride around Wellington county and the Town of Milton! Lots of speed! Many great rollers! Weather is looking like it might […]

  • Ride Cancelled. Weather is looking too wet for an enjoyable ride. Alright, here’s the story and I’m gonna tell ya. We’re heading upcountry but there’ll be no fighting degens or hockey players. Instead, […]

  • The weather forecast is looking good so keep your fingers crossed but if anything changes check here before you depart. This ride will take us up north of Guelph on mostly quiet roads. Unlike most of our […]

  • Gord Drewitt wrote a new post 3 years ago

    Gonna try this route again but the weather isn’t looking too promising. Final decision will be made at 10 AM on Sunday. This will be a fairly leisurely roll through the countryside North of Belwood up to […]

  • This ride continues on the theme started last week – farms, wind turbines and…. more farms! Anyway, we’ll head up Jones Baseline as far as we can and then do a tour of some more roads north of Belwood. […]

  • Huh, This is tricky but I think I’ll call it and say the ride is ON. We might have light rain so maybe bring a rain jacket.

    UPDATE: Because the weather forecast iffy, the final call will be made at 7AM […]

  • Ride cancelled due to weather and low numbers. See y’all next week! This ride is going to take us north to Grand Valley and surrounding countryside. Weather forecast looks middling at best so the final call […]

  • Unfortunately there will not be a beginners ride this weekend due to ride leader scheduling. However, they will be back next weekend!

    Advance sign-up required. Click here: Sunday Gravel Rides. You will have […]

  • Weather looks good, Ride is ON! Well well well, here we are organizing club rides finally! This is going to be a medium-paced jaunt north of the city towards Grand Valley. We can stop for food and water […]

  • Hi Will

    Thanks for your info. I’m going to run another ride this Sunday morning at 9:00 AM


  • The first indoor Zwift ride of 2021 is happening on Sunday Feb 14th at 9:00 AM. A 90 minute dash around Watopia at your own pace since the elastic band function will be used. The Discord Link is at… […]

  • Indoor Riding Season is here! Well, actually, it’s been here for a while. but with the latest lockdown, it’s REALLY here. We now have a huge choice of hardware, software, workout types, group rides and […]

  • Gord Drewitt wrote a new post 4 years ago

    So this will be a fairly simple road ride to the North around Belwood. Weather forecast is looking decent and the winds are not supposed to be too bad (there’s a reason why all those wind turbines are up around […]

  • A Sunday ride South and East of Guelph. Weather forecast looks good right now but it might be chilly. As usual meet at the East end libray at Watson and Starwood and we’ll keep the pace comfortable for […]

  • So this is a fairly generic road ride south and east of Guelph – Nothing too innovative.

    To sign up for the ride, click the link here and remember that we’re now capped at 15 riders.

    Final call […]

  • Aw Boo. Cancelling this ride too due to the rain. Alright – here it is finally. A simple meander going north and south of the city. Nothing too innovative but these are mostly nice quiet roads. If […]

  • Holy smokes – I’m first to post a ride for 2020! Well, here goes – hopefully everything works with the links and forms and documents and ppe and all the other stuff we need to do. Anyway, here it is. Road […]

  • Gord Drewitt wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Sorry folks, I have to cancel this ride since I can’t make it and there’s nobody available to cover for me. Also, the weather forcast is middling at best. However, if you want to meet up and do an informal DIY […]

  • Heading north, we’ll explore some of the roads around Belwood. There may be some gravel sections and bad pavement but nothing too unruly.

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