Sunday Gravel Ride | July 11th, 8:00 am – Guelph Youth Music Center

<—- I think James did jinx it… Weather radar looks like rain this morning so ride is cancelled. This weekend’s intermediate ride will be a tour of the landscape north of Belwood lake. Quiet roads, lots of farms and tons of gravel – what more could one want? We’ll have a rest stop at the store in Belwood where we can chow down on butter tarts and find out the dates for the next fishing derby.

Unfortunately there will not be a beginners ride this weekend due to ride leader scheduling. However, they will be back next weekend!

Advance sign-up required. Click here: Sunday Gravel Rides. You will have to create an account on

Start time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start location: The Guelph Youth Music Centre – GYMC

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