Andy Mill

  • This route will accommodate riders wanting a medium length ride. Both rides will head out together. We can discuss a shorter route on departure. The long ride will head to the Brown Dog Cafe in St. George. Study […]

  • Here’s a longer, challenging route heading south then west. We’ll keep an eye on the weather. A couple of our club members are heading to Rio for the Olympics in August! Andrew Yorke and Jason Wilson will […]

  • If you cast your mind back to May 3rd you will remember this ride. You might also remember a missed left turn onto 8th Line. Here it is again, a fairly flat route with long stretches of open road. Enjoy.

  • Here is the challenging route we look forward to every year. After Rattlesnake, 6th Line doesn’t seem so bad – except you’ve just climbed Rattlesnake. Let’s all regroup in the Rattlesnake Point parking lot (left […]

    • If people want to give me their camera’s/phones before the ride I don’t mind getting a picture at the top of rattlesnake of y’all duking it out for second place.

    • Is Watson open again? It was still closed on Sunday. If so we will need to take Maltby (SR15)/Victoria around it.

      The north side of Appleby Line has also been closed about halfway down the descent for most of the season, has anyone been there recently? If its still closed we’ll need to take Limestone Rd/Canyon Rd to get back to Campbellville Road.

    • Watson is okay. Still doing some work but the road is rideable provided workers have finished for the day, if not, we jog around Maltby/Victoria/Leslie? Applby will most definitely require the Limestone Rd/Canyon Rd detour.

  • Here it is. The route indicates a rest stop in Fergus. You may disregard it.

  • Here’s the route. Social paceline, water bottles, encouraging words, you know the drill. See ya tomorrow. Be safe.

  • A new route for this week. Fairly challenging and about as long as a Tuesday night ride can reasonably be. Lights for your ride home might be convenient. The southern turn around point comes north on Twiss Rd. […]

  • Construction in Rockwood is pretty much done. Been told there’s 30m of gravel entering town. It means we can at last hammer down 5th Line from Oustic through Rockwood (carefully), up Guelph and 4th Line climbs […]

  • It’s been seven weeks since that first chilly hammerfest out on the Guelph Lake interval circuit. Time to revisit in more favourable conditions. More daylight, more ride time, more suffering. It makes us […]

  • *Note: there is a gravel section about 1km long on the northeast section of the route. Here’s a nice ride for HF enthusiasts. Length is moderate so you can save your legs for Wednesday’s first monthly TT of 2016. […]

  • Heading west this time. Hammerfest enthusiasts will appreciate the flat parcours with the exception of the Watsonberg kicker to sort things out in the final. It’s not a race is it? No, it’s not. See ya Tuesday.

  • Something in a northwest direction for Tuesday’s Hammerfest enthusiasts. Note the new start time: 6:30 p.m.. If not, you will be very early. Sunset is 8:25 p.m. so bring lights just in case. We should be back in […]

  • We’ll call this 6th Line Direct. The ride will shoot down to Campbellville, allow for some escapism on the ascent – or escapees – and straight back along 20th, over the berg, and boom, another one in the books. It […]

  • Weather is looking great for racing and riding all weekend! For the combined ride, we’ll take a circuit that allows options back to town for those desiring a shorter ride. Although it’s not marked on the route, […]

    • Access into Rockwood is still possible with the road closure at the edge of town. Just turn into the OPP station parking lot and go around behind to the Fire Station parking lot and proceeded south out of the rear exit of the lot then turn at the second right to get back on the main road to the other side of the construction.

  • Hammerfest enthusiasts will appreciate this simple route over a moderate, early-season distance. Weather bodes well or definitely better than last week. Lights are good, they make you visible.

  • Hammerfest enthusiasts will meet at the library at 6:00pm and head out to the Guelph Lake interval loop course. This will give anyone a chance to bail if conditions are not to their liking. We do a few laps and […]

  • Note the new earlier start time and let’s have some fun.

  • Guelph Lake loops always a good time. Bring your lights. See you at 6:30. If the lightning starts we can hightail it.

  • A fairly long, challenging route with a good dose of climbing. Rest stop at the Detour Cafe in Dundas.

  • Very easy to follow route for Tuesday.

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