Women Only Ride | May 24 6:30PM

The first GCC WOR of 2023 is here!! Tonight’s route is a classic that takes us through Eden Mills before making our way south to Sideroad 10 and looping back to Arkell via Second and First Line. The weather is looking promising and on the cooler side.

Women only rides will run on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. It is intended to foster a supportive and safe riding culture where women can help women grow in the sport of cycling. The speed and length of this ride may vary to suit those that show up. When there is a larger turnout, the ride may divide into two speed groups. The GCC is keen for the women’s ride to grow as more participants and ride leaders become available.

Bringing lights is always a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

The Speed Groups on this ride are:

Advanced            W1        27-30   kph average

Intermediate     W2       24-27   kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM

Start Location: Calvary Baptist Church, 454 Arkell Road

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Women Only Route will follow this map:

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