Wednesday Social Ride A, B & C – August 7th, 6:30PM

Sadly the days are growing shorter and so are the routes (slightly). And bringing lights is really a good idea. We’re going north for a change and then south to Rockwood and Eden Mills. A & B groups please pay extra attention to the right turn onto Ash street (before the stop sign!) in Eden Mills. Lots of good communication up and down the pace line please.

As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM by the entrance doors (but don’t block them). Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below).

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social pace line. Riders on the front, you are the eyes of everyone behind you. Further, faster, safer, together.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

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