Wednesday Night Ride – 5 June 6:30 PM

Going for 47 km as the days are getting longer.

Tonight we will be running the new road cycling skills safety course which is highly recommended for all riders participating in club rides. The objective is to improve safety, enjoyment, and cycling skills in group riding.

Offered every Wednesday until June 9, it leaves from Planet Bean on Grange Road at 6 p.m. sharp and rides along the same route as the Wednesday ride. A ride instructor will cover the key points of group cycling and there will be frequent stops, a slow pace, instruction and tips for efficient, safe and enjoyable group riding.

The group will be caught by the Wednesday Night Ride about 6:45 and join in.


• Checking bike mechanical issues (mechanical safety)
• Why a paceline? (effort, efficiency, road safety, fellowship)
• How to ride in a group (spacing, drafting, safe braking, rules of the road in groups, trust)
• Etiquette (looking after each other, road hazards, communication, cars)
• Tips (gearing, cadence, eating and drinking, efficiency)

For a full description of the topics covered in the skills course, please see our Group Ride Information page.

No need to sign up, just show up and for more information, contact

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