Tues. A Hammerfest: July 28, 6:30pm

Heads up for Mur de Twiss, expect the dip then steep wall out of there at km 33. We’ll take it cool and safe, and mind the yellow line on the way up.

As Andy mentioned below, this is my last week of club rides and therefor my last Tuesday. Apparently even good things must come to an end sometime. Lets let ‘er rip.


  1. Hey Bayden. Even we slowpokes will miss you! Hope all is great, wherever you are headed.
    – Meg

    • Hi Meg, thanks, and I’m missing everyone already too! At least we had a pretty decent run.
      Ottawa is the next destination

  2. Last Hammerfest for Bayden as (non) ride-leader. The silence speaks volumes. Can you hear it? We will miss you boyo.

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