Social Ride | Wed May 3rd 6:30pm

Wednesday’s ride is relatively short this time: it dips into “Hamilton” for a couple of km. and has some interesting hills.

Remember: this will be the first time this year using the summer start time: 6:30. Hopefully, the temperature will also be summer-like. Please bring lights and your membership card, just in case.

Wednesday Ride | Aug 31st 6PM

Second last Wednesday Ride of 2016! Earlier start.
I heard there was a Wednesday ride,
That Leonard mentioned and it gave me pride,
But you don’t believe in rhyming here, now do ya?
It goes like this: The fourth, the fifth,
A minor descent with a major lift,
Using both front rings compelling, “Hallelujah!”
Halleluja… (repeat)
Bring your lights! (apologies where necessary).

Wednesday Ride | July 27th 6:30 PM

Ride is on! Looks like another nice evening after a warm day with temperatures dropping later on. The route takes us south and west through Hespler. EC says gentle west wind with a ‘low’ potential for rain at 8:00. A great weather web site to see what’s coming is one for radar over Michigan. Drivers may consider parking near the University Arboretum and ride to the start at Watson Library. This will shorten your return to your car. Hope you can join us!

Wednesday Ride | May 18 6:30 PM

Yet another beautiful evening for a ride! Southeastern 42 km route from the Library back to Arkel – add another 8 to SRB. Sunset is 8:41 PM – bring lights just the same. Click here for info on SRCC Group Ride Guidelines and here for info on The Social Paceline. And for those new to group riding show up at 5:55 PM for the Group Ride Orientation Clinic. We’ll work on good communication up and down the line – no shortage of sand and other road hazards out there still. Don’t forget your 2016 membership card. See you soon!

April 13-Wednesday Ride: 6pm

Spring is finally springing and your bike has been patient – it’s time to get out there! Much warmer than yesterday, but still bundle worthy. We’ll do a nice, easy 37 km that’ll have us home in time for dinner and before the street lights come on. Don’t forget your 2016 membership card; good to have lights on the bike too. Please be sure to read over the Group Ride Guidelines and the explanation of The Social Paceline. Looking forward to seeing you.

Sept 2nd Wednesday Ride | 6:00pm Start

Electrolytes people, it’s a warm one. A nice 43.8 km route (a version of a variation). A slightly shorter ride to match the shorter day. We’ll head north up Watson, through Oustic back on 6th and 20th to 29 south. A small stretch of hard-pack on side road 10 makes sure we get home with the light. Speaking of lights…      Sunset:   7:58

Wednesday Ride Aug 12 | 6:30pm

We’ll be heading north and west up through Maryhill. The forecast is promising good weather and a tail wind for the ride back to town. A good length route for a 28 kph average with a couple of single file sections and the sun setting at 8:32 (ackk!). Tail lights please. You’ll be home, fed and showered in time to get out and see the Persied meteor showers later this evening.