Wednesday April 24th ABC rides | 6pm

Reiterating Lorenz’s notes from last week (and reversing the route!):
Three pace levels for Wednesday, check our new schedule for all the speed averages and descriptions. As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Be ready to pedal at 6:00 PM by the entrance doors, but please don’t block them. This time of year we have shorter distances due to the early sunset and a slightly shortened course for the C group – see the two maps below. And as it’s the beginning of the season please take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page. Are you new here? Then an extra special welcome to you and please be sure to read our New Member page. Bringing lights is always a good idea.

Wednesday A, B & C Rides April 17, 6:00PM

RIDE IS ON! New for 2019 are Three pace levels for Wednesday, check our new schedule for all the speed averages and descriptions. As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Be ready to pedal at 6:00 PM by the entrance doors, but please don’t block them. This time of year we have shorter distances due to the early sunset and a slightly shortened course for the C group – see the two maps below. And as it’s the beginning of the season please take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page. Are you new here? Then an extra special welcome to you and please be sure to read our New Member page. Bringing lights is always a good idea. Unfortunately, the weather conditions aren’t looking great at this point, (it is still very early) so be sure to check back for a cancellation update posted no later than 5:00 PM.

Social Ride – Wednesday Aug 1, 6:30 pm

Weather Update 4:55 PM: Ride is CANCELLED! Weather sites can’t seem to predict ‘pop up’ rain cells and we’ve just had one roll through with more on the way. Specifically to the south where we planned to go.
Original Post
We’ve had a few new members sign up this mid-season and this should be a great ride to welcome them along. It’s a nice light rolling route to the south and west of Guelph with some new pavement in a few places. We’ll continue working on great communication up and down the double pace line with a steady level of effort – moderate on the flats, slow up the hills and fast coming down. New members (and old) should check out the Safety and Skills page and General Ride Info and select ‘Wednesday’ from the side bar. The official finish will be at Hamilton corners at the Garage at Gordon and Arkell rd. Check back here for final rain cancellation to be posted no later than 5:00 PM. See you soon.

Wednesday Relaxed Ride | May 16, 6:30PM

A slightly longer distance this week at 48K to Downtown or 39K to the official finish in Arkel. We’ll continue working towards great communication up and down the double pace line and a steady level of effort – moderate on the flats, slow up the hills and fast down them. We will build to an average 28 kph max and work together to bring everyone along. And please remember the African proverb: If you want to far, we go together. If you want to go fast, come out and try the Tuesday and Thursday rides! 😀 Please bring the usual requirements: fun loving attitudes and lights. Also, check out the Safety and Skills page and General Ride Info and select ‘Wednesday’ from the side bar. Expect that we may split into two groups if the warm weather brings out many riders. We try to do a slightly faster and/or more experienced group followed by a slightly slower and/or less experienced group as we did last week. Looking forward to a good safe ride and seeing everyone. Summertime in May.

Wednesday’s Social Ride: May 2 6:30

Update: Let’s go. The cycling gods have been appeased.

For the first social ride in May, I am told that the Club’s Executive sacrificed a pair of mid-priced carbon wheels to ensure that the weather would be good.

So, let’s try the route from two weeks ago: a cruise around the east side of Guelph. Please remember that it starts at 6:30 this time. We should be back home in time but, just in case, bring lights.

Think happy thoughts. The forecast is suggesting that there may be rain nearby so, by 5:00, I will confirm that the ride is going ahead.

Wednesday Social Ride April 25, 6:00pm

RIDE CANCELLED. RAINING AGAIN…..A gentle ride for our first Wednesday of the season. Hopefully the weather will cooperate – the final call will be made by 5pm.  If the roads are wet, the ride will be cancelled. Bring your lights to be safe.

We will be doing the ride from last Wednesday which was cancelled. Unfortunately I am experiencing some technical issues and am unable to embed the map. Please refer to last week’s post for the route.

Social Ride for Aug. 30 at 6:00

Update: sunny weather, great temperatures, weather reports are stupid (“40% chance of <1mm at 7:00"): let's go. I think that a short trip down Watson and back up Victoria, with some interesting hills, might be fun as sunset creeps earlier. Please bring lights, just in case. (Confusingly, the weather forecast is calling for a probability of misty rain in the late afternoon. I will see how it develops and make a go/no-go decision before 4:30.)

Wednesday Relaxed Ride | August 23rd 6:00 PM

This ride is 45 kms of familiar stomping grounds – an array of gentle rollers with a final kick in the pants before the home stretch. We’ll start with a quick tour through downtown Eden Mills, then snake through, and keep off of, all the fresh gravel. The plan is to be home before dark. Bring lights just in case. BTW – this is my last ‘ride lead’ of the season and my last club ride until October. It’s been great riding with you and a great (albeit quick) season! Hope to see you soon.

PS Question: How many bike mechanics does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: (ask me on the ride)

Wednesday Relaxed Ride – August 16th 6:30 PM

And now for something completely different…
A gentle rolling 46 km route through some favourite areas to match the shortening mid August days. Forestell, Blackbridge, Chilligo all with a Paisley tie(in)- c’est bon! And a small section of dirt road… ever so wafer thin (to keep us honest). Bring lights just in case. See you soon.

Wednesday Relaxed Ride – August 2nd 6:30 PM

RIDE CANCELLED. EC has posted “SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH IN EFFECT”. Sad. But if you wish to take your chances with the rain, some may still head out as an unofficial ride. The Route: South and West of Guelph. The Distance: 55 km. The Weather: Pop-up cells all over the place! Final call made at 5:30 PM. The Terminus: Ride officially ends at Clair and Gordon for post ride wrap up by the Starbucks. The Goals: 28 kph max average, safe and mindful group riding, relaxed pace permitting conversation, consistent level of effort and smiles all around! The Notes: Expect single file riding on Wellington Rd 34. Bring lights just in case. See you all soon!

Wednesday Social Ride | July 12th, 6:30pm

CANCELLED: Between the radar’s imagery and Environment Canada’s Severe Thunderstorm warning, I am not going to wait until 5:00pm to cancel the official club ride for this evening. If a few brave souls want to ride the route, then please ride safe: the forecast is calling for high winds. A longer route while the days are still long. Check your tires before you leave, and bring your membership card and lights. Weather is looking iffy in the PM, so keep an eye here and I will make the call no later than 5pm. Note that next week is TT week!