Wednesday 08/25 – Social Ride, 6:00pm

Reminder – Rides have moved to a 6pm start.

Small chance of rain but fingers crossed. It will be very hot and humid so bring extra water. Final call regarding the weather will be made no later than 5:00pm.

We’ll ride some classic roads this week and as usual will have a slightly longer route for the A group and a slightly shorter route for the B and C groups to get everyone back with sufficient daylight to spare.

Note that the A route and the B/C route do go up different roads on the way back to Arkell so please have the route loaded.

Groups will aim for the following paces, especially in this heat:

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Please sign up in advance for the ride here.

Rides start at 6:00 PM from the East End Library at the corner of Starwood and Watson.

Start locations for the various groups are as indicated below:

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The routes:

Wednesday Intermediate Ride: August 4th, 6:30 pm

It looks like I won’t have to spend my entire afternoon refreshing the weather radar this time. Plenty of sunshine ahead but the days are getting shorter: it’s now or never for some of our longer routes.

As usual, the focus will be on cohesive riding and good communication. There are three pace groups for Wednesday, although groups may be combined depending on the number of riders who sign up.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

As with all club rides, you must sign up in advance, which can be done here.

Be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM from the East End Library at the corner of Starwood and Watson.

Bike lights are always a good idea, but especially on these longer rides.

Wednesday Intermediate Ride A, B & C – July 28th, 6:30PM

It’s looking like another clear Wednesday evening. If necessary the go no-go will be posted no later than 5:30PM on Wednesday. We’ll be riding a route that got rained out back in early July for my inaugural ride lead. A & B groups ride the same route and there is a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below).

If you’re new then we welcome you with open arms. Please be sure to read our New Member page. And take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for more details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Lets have lots of good communication up and down the pace line please. Bringing lights is always a good idea.

This ride requires sign-up in advance. Click here: Wednesday Intermediate Ride. Sign-up does require you to create an account on

Start time6:30 PM, please be ready to pedal then. 

Start LocationEast End Library Arrive early and ensure you are in the group area that you’ve signed up for – see the map below.

Wednesday Intermediate Ride A, B & C – July 21st, 6:30PM

Another clear Wednesday evening. We’ll be riding some familiar roads but perhaps not in familiar directions – trying our best to keep it fresh!

Are you new here? Then an extra special welcome to you and please be sure to read our New Member page. And take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for more details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

A & B groups ride the same route and there is a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below).

Lets have lots of good communication up and down the pace line please. Bringing lights is always a good idea.

This ride requires sign-up in advance. Click here: Wednesday Intermediate Ride. Sign-up does require you to create an account on

Start time: 6:30 PM, please be ready to pedal then. 

Start Location: East End Library Arrive early and ensure you are in the group area that you’ve signed up for – see the map below.

CANCELLED: Wednesday Intermediate Ride (A,B,C)| July 7th, 6:30 pm

RIDE CANCELLED: looks a better evening for ducks than for cyclists. Stay dry!

If the weather cooperates, we’ll spend another warm Wednesday evening southeast of the city. As usual, we will have two routes: one for groups A & B and another slightly shortened one for C (check out the maps below).

Focus will be on cohesive riding and good communication. There are three pace groups for Wednesday, check the schedule for more details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Sign up for the ride here.

Be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM from the East End Library at the corner of Starwood and Watson.

Bike lights are always a good idea, but especially on these longer rides.

The forecast currently looks ominous: check back here for a go/no-go call, which will be posted no later than 5:30 PM.

A&B riders: be careful not to zoom right by the turn on to Ash street!

Wednesday Intermediate Ride A, B & C – June 30th, 6:30PM

Our second Wednesday Intermediate club ride takes us through metropolitan Moffat. Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (see maps below).

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social pace line. Riders on the front are the eyes of everyone behind. Lots of hand signals and good communication up and down the pace line please.

There are three pace groups for Wednesday, check the schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Check back for weather cancellation update posted no later than 5:30 PM.

Advance sign-up required. Click here: Wednesday Intermediate Ride. You will have to create an account on

Start time: please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM

Start location: East End Library – corner of Starwood and Watson

Below is the gathering locations for the three speed groups. See you soon!

See maps below for the different pace group routes.

Wednesday Intermediate Ride A, B & C – June 23rd, 6:30PM

Welcome back everyone! We’re going north for our first Wednesday Intermediate club ride and then south to beautiful downtown Rockwood and Eden Mills. A & B groups please pay extra attention to the right turn onto Ash street (before the stop sign!) in Eden Mills. Lots of good communication up and down the pace line please.

There are two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below).

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social pace line. Riders on the front are the eyes of everyone behind. Further, faster, safer, together.

There are three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

This ride requires sign-up in advance. Click here: Wednesday Intermediate Ride. Sign-up does require you to create an account on

This ride is open to SRCC members only. If you have not signed up to be a club member, you can do so HERE.

Start of the Wednesday Intermediate Ride is at East End Library, Please be ready to pedal at 6:30pm. Arrive early and ensure you are in the group area that you signed up for – see the map below. A = 28-30 kph B = 26-28 kph C = 24-26 kph

Wednesday Social Ride A, B & C – August 7th, 6:30PM

Sadly the days are growing shorter and so are the routes (slightly). And bringing lights is really a good idea. We’re going north for a change and then south to Rockwood and Eden Mills. A & B groups please pay extra attention to the right turn onto Ash street (before the stop sign!) in Eden Mills. Lots of good communication up and down the pace line please.

As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM by the entrance doors (but don’t block them). Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below).

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social pace line. Riders on the front, you are the eyes of everyone behind you. Further, faster, safer, together.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Wednesday Social Ride A, B & C – July 31st, 6:30PM

We’ll get to try out some freshly baked asphalt on this route – Moffat… not just for butter tarts and sour pusses anymore! As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM by the entrance doors (but don’t block them). Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below). Bringing lights is always a good idea.

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social paceline on the Wednesday rides. Let’s emphasize good communication up and down the paceline and look after each other. Further, faster, safer, together.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average


If the C group desires, the route below can be extended by 3 km simply by turning up 5th line instead of 4th.

Wednesday Social Ride A, B & C – July 3rd, 6:30PM

It’s a hot one tonight! Bring lots to drink and bump up the electrolytes to avoid calf cramps later in the evening. As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM by the entrance doors (but please don’t block them). Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below). Are you new here? Then an extra special welcome to you and please be sure to read our New Member page. And please take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page. Bringing lights is always a good idea.

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social paceline on the Wednesday rides. Let’s emphasize good communication up and down the paceline and look after each other. Further, faster, safer, together.

Three Social Paceline pace levels for Wednesday, check the new schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Wednesday June 26th A/B/C Rides, 6:30pm

Reason 10,000 why being a cyclist is great: my friends can always ask me what the forecast is, knowing that I’ll have looked at it already. Wednesday evening looks lovely, albeit a tad windy. I really enjoyed the route we did almost a month ago on May 29th, so let’s do it again! See below for the A/B route (first map), as well as the C route (second map).

Please be ready to roll from the East Branch of the Public Library for 6:30pm. There are two routes below: the A/B rides will take the longer route (first map), and the C ride will take the second, slightly shorter route.

First ride with SRCC? Check out our New Members Area! First ride with SRCC this year? Get re-learned with our Group Ride Guidelines and the Safety and Skills pages. Get the route loaded to your GPS and the tires inflated, and we’ll see you there!

There are three pace levels for Wednesdays, as per our new Ride Schedule:
Wednesday A: 28-30km/h
Wednesday B: 26-28km/h (ride leader James)
Wednesday C: 24-26km/h (ride leader Meg)

Wednesday A/B/C 6:30pm: Close to the Solstice (Try-a-Ride)

WEATHER UPDATE: Things are looking good, so RIDE ON!

=================== ORIGINAL POST BELOW =======================

That kinda rhymes! We’re nearly at the longest day of the year, which means late sunsets. It also means the days will soon start getting shorter, but ignore that slightly depressing thought. Wednesday’s ride will take us south and east of Guelph, on quiet country roads (do we ride on any other kinds?) We’ll start at the East End Library as is customary. We will split up into 3 groups, and will keep pace with the published range for Wednesday rides:

A-Team: 28-30 km/h (I pity the fool!)
B-Team: 26-28 km/h
C-Team: 24-26 km/h

Both routes take us south until we nearly reach Mohawk Casino. We’ll stop for a few rounds of slots and maybe some horse races, then start making our way up towards home. The A and B groups will ride a slightly longer route that will skirt Eden Mills on my personal favourite road, Ash Street. The C group will skip Eden Mills and avoid the biggest climb (you’re welcome). This is a no-drop ride, but if you are struggling to keep up with the desired group there should be plenty of opportunities to drop back to a slower group. Both routes are pretty straightforward, with limited turns.

Depending on who you believe, the weather is either calling for afternoon showers that should end by 6pm (good!), or potential thunderstorms that turn into showers in the evening (not so good). We’ll make the go/no-go call by 5pm Wednesday.

This is also an official Try-a-Ride offering. If you are not a club member and want to try group riding, then you are absolutely welcome to join us for this ride. Most of the group are nice and don’t bite very hard. Take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page before showing up so you have an idea on how things work. Don’t worry, we’ll help you out with any questions before, during and after the ride.

A+B Route

C Route

Wednesday A/B & C Social Ride

After the TT on Tuesday, we will probably be looking for a little bit of a social pace. Hopefully, the weather holds off as it looks like it will and we get a good ride in. It looks like the wind is even going to die down a bit.

We will roll out from the East Branch Public Library at 6:30 pm. There are two routes to choose from below: the A/B rides will take a longer route (Map #1), the C ride will be slightly shorter (Map #2).

Map #1

Map #2

If this is your first ride with SRCC, don’t worry, we do not bite. Please check our New Members area. It is also helpful for riders to ensure they are familiar with and practice the guidelines posted in Group Ride Guidelines and the Safety and Skills pages. Charge your lights, pump up your tires, upload the route to your Garmin Edge or Wahoo Elemnt and we will see you there!

Wednesday A, B & C Rides May 22, 6:30PM

Weather Update: Ride is on! As usual, we will be starting at the East End Library. Be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM by the entrance doors, but please don’t block them. Days are getting a bit longer and so are the rides! Two routes: an A & B and a slightly shortened course for the C group (two maps below). Are you new here? Then an extra special welcome to you and please be sure to read our New Member page. And please take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page. Bringing lights is always a good idea. Forecast is 40% chance of rain as of 24 hours prior, so be sure to check back for a cancellation update posted no later than 5:30 PM.

Three pace levels for Wednesday, check the new schedule for details.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Wednesday ABC Rides: May 1, 6:30pm

NEWS FLASH (4:20pm Wednesday): All it takes is a look outside to see how grim it is right now. It’s cold, the roads are wet, and there’s a line of rain/thundershowers headed straight for us. Needless to say, the ride is CANCELLED for tonight. Stay inside and take the night off. If you can, do some kind of spring dance ritual that will bring warm, dry weather to us once and for all.

The weather is looking pretty bleak for Wednesday’s ride. As I wrote this paragraph, a Special Weather Statement for heavy rainfall starting Tuesday night and into Wednesday night was published…synchronicity! I’m trying to stay optimistic and am still posting this in the off-chance the forecast is wrong. The official go/no-go will come by 5pm Wednesday.

Our first 6:30pm Wednesday ride of the year will take us on the quiet roads southeast of Guelph. It will be relatively short, due to the later start-time (did I mention that we start at SIX THIRTY instead of 6?). We will be starting at the East End Library as is customary. We will split up into 3 groups, and will keep pace with the published range for Wednesday rides:

A-Team: 28-30 km/h
B-Team: 26-28 km/h
C-Team: 24-26 km/h

The A and B groups will ride a slightly longer route than the C group. This is a no-drop ride, but if you are struggling to keep up with the desired group there should be plenty of opportunities to drop back to a slower group. Both routes are pretty straightforward, with limited turns.

This is also an official Try-a-Ride offering. If you are not a club member and want to try group riding, then you are absolutely welcome to join us for this ride. Most of the group are nice and don’t bite very hard. Take a moment to read up on the Group Ride Guidelines as well as the Safety & Skills page before showing up so you have an idea on how things work. Don’t worry, we’ll help you out with any questions before, during and after the ride.

A+B Route

C Route