Sunday Road Tours | August 06 8:00AM

This week we will head east with a coffee stop for the Tour in Glen Williams at Kits Little Kitchen; the Grand Tour will split off here and continue on to The Forks of the Credit with a stop in either Belfountain or Erin, depending on how the group feels. Bring money for the coffee stop and tail lights are a good idea.

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Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 29-31 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Tour Medium Distance Ride will be following the map below

Route: The Grand Tour Longer Distance Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Road Tours | May 28 8:00AM

The Weather Man says it’s going to be 15c at 8am on Sunday, and rising to the mid 20s as the day goes on; we will get an early start to free up the afternoon. The routes will be a bit shorter this week, but there will be lots of climbing on the escarpment for the Grand Tour, and the shortened Tour will have have to conquer 6th Line. We will regroup after the hills. The coffee stop will be at the Trail Eatery in Campbellville, so bring money for that. The groups will have parted ways by then. Blinky lights are always a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 29-31 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Tour Medium Distance Ride will be following the map below

Route: The Grand Tour Longer Distance Ride will be following the map below