Sunday Road Tours | September 15 @ 8:00am

Weather looks great for the plans this Sunday. The Tour and GT will start together from the Y on Downey but we will split at the bottom of Townline at Avenue Road. The Tour will noodle through Cambridge over to Elgin, then head south, through the little train underpass and eventually hit Cheese Factory Rd (beauty). They’ll head across to Ayr for a stop at Tim’s.
At the Tour/GT split, the GT will head down to Sheffield and make their way down to Paris for coffee at Wincey Mill. The GT will then make its way up to Ayr where both groups routes will re-connect for the return passed the old Pioneer Tower. Bring money for a coffee stop and tail lights are a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how. Be sure to pay close attention to the route through Doon Valley Golf/Walter Bean Trail and over to the right turn onto the foot path from Deer Ridge to connect to Pioneer Tower Rd and Maplegrove Rd.

All rides need a minimum of 3 members signed up in order to officially run. If a ride has the required number of riders, but no Group Captain riding with them, that group ride will be considered cancelled. The group can decide among themselves to hold an ‘unofficial’ ride and follow the route. All group riders take it upon themselves to know the route and are responsible for their own safety.

Ride groups will be:

NameDistanceAverage Speed
Grand TourLonger Ride29-31 kph
Tour AMedium Length Ride29-31 kph
Tour BMedium Length Ride27-29 kph

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: ***YMCA lot on Downey Rd***

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Tour Medium Distance Ride will be following the map below

Route: The Grand Tour Longer Distance Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Road Tours | July 23 8 AM

All my scheduled ride leads have been rained out this year so I’ve yet to wear my fancy new red jersey but Sunday’s looking pretty good, at least for now. If the weather turns dodgy, I’ll make a call by 7 a.m. but let’s stay optimistic.

This route reverses one of my favourites through Rockwood and Everton and I’m excited to be descending into Everton instead of making the infernal climb out of it. Those interested in a shorter route can head home at any point along the pass over the north part of the city or when we make the stop in Maryhill at about 80km. There is a little section of gravel down to Mosborough but we’ll manage.

Bring money for a coffee stop and tail lights are a good idea. Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 29-31 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Tour Medium Distance Ride will be following the map below

Route: The Grand Tour Longer Distance Ride will be following the map below

Cancelled – Sunday Medium Moderate Road Ride | October 23rd 11:00AM

Cancelling due to low/no participation. Join us on the gravel or L&F ride instead.

The weather looks amazing for a late season ride. If for some crazy reason that changes an update will be posted here no later than an hour before the ride. Since you’ve been working hard all season to strengthen the body and mind, what better time than now to test yourself with the Rattlesnake / Appleby Line climb. If you’ve never done this climb then no better time to try it with a group. We’ll be sure to re-group at the top (a.k.a. waiting for me) and the mid ride break is shortly after as well. Bring money for a coffee stop in Campbellville. Tail lights are a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 11:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday, Oct. 9 Combined Road Ride 11 a.m.

Listen, I get it. It’s Thanksgiving and most of us have things to do and trying to fit a ride in with family obligations and turkey cooking and even a stupid playoff baseball game might be tough. It’s the end of the long summer season and we’ve already made plenty of time for cycling so perhaps, in this particular case, we should prioritize other things.

Or, and just hear me out here, maybe we can squeak in just a quick ride, just a wee rip before turkey time. We’ll feel better about gorging ourselves if we burn some calories first, more tolerant of vaguely annoying extended family members if we’ve spent a little time Zenned out on two wheels: among the things to be thankful for, surely cycling makes the list.

So how about a compromise? There is no long and fast route this week because even ride leaders have to know when a bridge across the gap is a bridge too far. But I have devised a plan that might, just might, have a little something for everyone.

We’ll do a quick 60km loop through Hespeler, no stops. We’ll wave at the Four Fathers patio, breeze by the coffee shop on Queen Street – no time for dilly-dallying today – and finish up at the south end Starbucks. Two hours, with a bullet.

For those of you with more time to spare, there will be a longer route option that adds another 50km or so. I will not be joining for this bit because I like being married so it will be leaderless in practice but not in spirit because we are all leaders on the bike at this point. Might make sense to load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

So let’s give thanks the right way on Sunday: from the saddle, in spandex with our riding friends. Everything else is gravy.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 9:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below, with a longer route option for those so inclined.

Sunday Medium Moderate Road Ride | October 2nd 11:00AM

Now that it’s October rides now start at 11:00AM. This week we’ll head north to Elora and head home on the fun and fast Middlebrook and Crowsfoot Roads. Hopefully the weather outlook stays sunny but if something does change then any changes or cancellations will be posted here no later than 10:00AM on Sunday morning. Bring money for a coffee/snack/hydration stop in Elora and tail lights are a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 11:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium Moderate Road Ride | Sept. 11, 8 AM

This time of year always makes me a little bit sad and lazy. The days are getting shorter and weekday rides have come to an end: maintaining the fitness I’ve built over the summer gets harder and harder and the couch and the chicken wings are right over there, ready to fill the emptiness in my biking soul.

But wait. There’s one more big club event on Sept. 18 and some cool events this fall. I love my road bike but gravel rips in colder weather is fun, too. Fat biking in the winter is a trip. Zwift isn’t that bad, in moderation. And Sunday rides are still a thing. Maybe I should just keep pedaling and see how it goes.

With that in mind, this Sunday we’ll join forces with Daryl’s Long and Fast group for the run out towards Erin, then loop back through Rockwood for a quick coffee before some late morning hill climbing back to Arkell.

So once more into the breach, dear friends. Summer might be coming to an end, but our two-wheeled journey never stops.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

RIDE CANCELLED | Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | August 21st 8:00AM

RIDE CANCELLED. It looks like there’s a 50/50 chance we’d get wet early in the ride and radar suggests a large burst around 10:00 – 11:00 so airing on the side of caution and cancelling the ride.

The weather is not looking good at this time so be sure to check back no later than an hour before the ride to see if we’ll be riding, fingers crossed. This ride will take us east, south, west and north as I couldn’t decide which way to go. We’ll make a stop in Hespeler to refuel as needed. The stop is a bit later in the route so be sure to bring plenty of water. The unofficial end of the ride will be at Gordon and Clair Roads. Bring money for the refuel stop and tail lights are a good idea.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | August 14, 8:00 AM

A scenic route for the M&M group this week: Maryhill, the covered bridge, Elora and Fergus. We’ll stop for coffee in Elora.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | July 31st 8:00AM

Butter Tarts! Now that I have your attention, Sunday morning rides north to Belwood for butter tarts is a mid summer must do. The weather looks like it’ll be a perfect morning for a ride north. We’ll ride at the posted pace but ensure we regroup often if needed. Bring plenty of fluids and money for the butter tart stop. Tail lights are a good idea for visibility.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

RIDE CANCELLED: Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | July 24 8 AM

RIDE CANCELLED: There is a “Special Weather Statement” that says heavy rain and thunderstorms are possible this morning and the radar is a sea of green and yellow. Oh well, I suppose we need the rain…

The quality and potential enjoyment of any given ride is defined by many things: the route, the weather, your riding companions, the functional performance of your trusty steed. And while not all adventures contain a mid-ride stop, they can add – or subtract – tremendous value.

We all have our favourites and this Sunday we will, weather permitting, check out one of mine: Holtom’s Bakery in Erin. Founded in 1946, it gets 4.7 out of 5 stars from more than 200 Google Reviews, a notoriously tough crowd. It features a plethora of sweet and savory treats, with nary a weak link among them.

Part of the appeal is the work required to get there: the section along Wellington Road No. 22 is lumpy and the route features almost 700m of climbing in less than 80km. I don’t particularly enjoy hills but for Holtom’s, it’s worth it. We will keep the pace reasonable and regroup regularly.

The weather at this point isn’t looking great and I’ll post a status update an hour before. We shall, as always remain optimistic: those tasty apple fritters demand it.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | Month Day Time

We’ve all been avoiding it. Time to visit Rattlesnake once again. Oh come on, it’s not so bad. It makes you a better rider.

Quick stop at the corner store in Campbellville, then cruise home. Stay hydrated, it looks like a decently warm one.

Load the route on your bike computer if you have one, here’s how.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride – June 19th – 8AM

We’ll be following the Long & Fast route for the first ~30km, so we might leave with them and split up at some point. In any case, our route takes a turn at Carlisle, and meanders around some lovely roads. We return to Guelph by Cambridge & Hespler, where we’ll find a nice cafe.

Bring money for a coffee stop and tail lights are a good idea.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

CANCELLED – Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | June 12 8 AM (Starts at the Y)

UPDATE 7:05 a.m.: The weather forecast actually improved a bit but the radar doesn’t look great and after riding in the rain on Thursday, I don’t recommend it. We’re also down to three riders so I’m going to err on the sign of caution and cancel it.

Cycling is often about optimism. Convincing yourself you have the legs to keep up, the will to hang on, the courage to go for the blue sign in the surge at the end of a ride (it’s not a sprint because sprints are definitely, absolutely, for sure not allowed on club rides.) And sometimes you just need to believe the weather is going to change.

Sometimes, that faith is misguided. Last Thursday, for example, we challenged the radar gods and were punished with a thorough soaking, sketchy conditions and general chaos. This is the downside of optimism, wanting and hoping for something to be a certain way only to have your hopes and dreams crushed. Ever watched the group pedal away, unable to do a single thing about it? That’s optimism gone horribly awry.

Still, we keep the faith. I’m posting this ride despite a decidedly foreboding weather forecast. I need it to change. I believe it will change. Because I want to ride.

When this ride happens (not if, when) we will START AT THE Y ON KORTRIGHT and join the long and fast group for the downhill, downwind rip towards Dundas where we will stop at Domestique, an exceedingly cool, cycling-themed coffee shop, before starting the climb for home on the famed Sydenham Road. The ride home will be long and mostly uphill. You will be tested. Your faith may waver. You will make it and be rewarded.

Or you will check here at 7 a.m. and have your plans ruined by Mother Nature in her cruelest form. The price of optimism is an occasional disappointment but that’s OK: we will ride again and it will be that much sweeter because of it.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: The YMCA parking lot (Hanlon at Downey)

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium & Moderate Road Ride | May 29th 8 AM

I think we can all agree that, in most cases, cycling with other people is more fun than cycling alone. I mean, we joined a cycling club and that would indicate a certain inclination towards collectivism. And we might also agree that the more people in the group, the more fun it can be.

With that in mind, I have conspired with Deanna to merge a portion of the medium and moderate Sunday ride with the long and fast version. Does that mean our ride will be medium and fast? It does not. Will the other ride be long and medium paced? Inconceivable. Instead, we ride together at a pace we can all sustain for a time and then we, the medium and moderates among the group, will make our way home at whatever pace we need to. Meanwhile, the long and fast types can rip it up for as long as they see fit.

The route Deanna recommended heads south and therefore is largely downhill in the early going. The uphill journey home will likely be the moderate part (but with a forecasted tailwind and a stop in Carlisle for empty, fully-justifiable carbs.)

I like this plan. I especially like it because it means I can ride with more people and therefore have more fun. You should come and have fun, too. After all, isn’t that why you joined a cycling club?

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

CANCELLED Sunday Medium Moderate Road Ride | May 22nd 8am

RIDE CANCELLED. Between the rain and the lack of signups, the ride is cancelled. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend though!

Clockwise loop, stopping in Rockwood for a coffee and/or cold drinks, depending on the temperature. The go/no-go call will be made by 7am at the latest.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below

Sunday Medium Moderate Road Ride | May 15 8 AM

I like riding my bike. I like looking at bikes in bike stores. I like coffee. I like riding down really big hills instead of riding up them (though that can be fun, too.) I like the Ellis Chapel and I like finishing a ride with an (expected) tailwind. I like that, apparently, it’s summer now. I like the new club kit and riding with a bunch of other people who are also wearing it. You know what else I like? That we can do all these things on Sunday at 8 a.m.

Speed will be between 27-30 kph average

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start Location: East End Library at Starwood and Watson

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: The Medium Moderate Sunday Ride will be following the map below