Sunday “Medium” Ride to Dundas with alternate: July 15 @ 9 am

Looks like Sunday is going to be a gorgeous day with low wind and a lot of sun. Sunday’s “Medium” ride will be “medium paced”…and long in distance. A trip down to Grupetto in Dundas at a pace hovering around 28 to 30 kph. This will be a safe and friendly ride focusing on endurance.

For those of you who would prefer distances around the usual sub 100 km length, you have options to turn off early and ride across Safari Road (please see alternate map below) for 98 km.

Bring a lot of water and nutrition as it will be a longer day and will probably get quite hot. We will stop for refills as necessary.

Option 1 to Dundas (Primary Map)

Option 2 to Carlisle (Alternate Map)

Be sure to check out our ride calendar