Sunday May 26th ride, 9AM

As designed by ride leader James S., an interesting route that should take us to new roads we've not explored.

We'll swing by Borealis at the end of the ride for the first month-end club social event, hopefully around 1:30pm.  Bring some cash for a brew and some/lots of carbs, hopefully it will get warm enough to sit on the patio.

REVISION NOTE AS OF 7PM Saturday, one section changed due to gravel.

Be sure to check out our ride calendar


9 Responses to “Sunday May 26th ride, 9AM”

  1. James Kritz Avatar
    James Kritz

    Glad to hear Borealis was good. Sorry I couldn’t make it!

  2. Great route! A civilized pace, ~30kph average, quite the north wind out there. Here’s hoping for warmer weather though.
    And got a decent turnout at Borealis for the social.

  3. Thanks for the reroute and the head’s up on the dirt section on WR50. I’m cool with it as well, but we can divert to Erin Halton Hills Townline if it looks sketchy.

  4. Bayden Avatar

    There is about 3.5km of dirt around km 90, on WR 50, between 5th and 3rd line. I’m fine with it, it’ll be dry an it’s generally in good shape, but FYI.

  5. Just had a second look, there was a gravel section just south of Erin, I’ve updated the route, so put that one in your GPS instead. yeah.

  6. I believe they’re all paved. Ride leaves at 9 a.m. from Planet Bean at Victoria/Grange.

  7. Jason May Avatar
    Jason May

    Are all these roads paved and what time does the ride leave?

  8. There’s also an awesome Caribbean Kitchen at the top end of our route in Orangeville, Soulyve (, but that’s for another ride and another day!

  9. There will be a definite stop at Belfountain at km 75 for re-fueling.