Sunday, June 1 rides | 9:00 A.M. START

Two rides to choose from, each taking advantage of the forecasted south winds and warm, sunny weather.

The Longer Ride will sneak up on Cafe Domestique from an altogether different direction and via some seldom-travelled-by-SRCC roads. Then we'll revel in our cleverness as we enjoy Americanos and baked goods on the porch and/or back patio. Then we'll ride home on some other roads that are admittedly less sneaky, but still not the typical path.

The Longish Ride will ply the scenic roads north of Kilbride before stopping at The Trail Eatery in Campbelliville for some good eats and drink. Be sure to try the cookie with the PB cup in the middle… yum! Chris Thomas will be your ride leader du jour.

Remember to bring your club cards, wear sunscreen, know the route, ride safe and have fun!




Be sure to check out our ride calendar


7 Responses to “Sunday, June 1 rides | 9:00 A.M. START”

  1. Hmmmm, I don’t seem to have my CO2 inflator… why did I know that would happen!? What a great ride; friendly pace, but not without challenge. Thanks all, it’s always a pleasure rolling with you.

  2. James, that was a nice route down to Domestique. Like Chris, I flatted on Watson and my spare was also bad… Thanks everyone for their patience and Gabhan for letting me have his spare tube and James for providing his fancy pants CO2 charger.. saved my ride..

  3. Tomas Chester Avatar
    Tomas Chester

    Thanks everyone in the “Longish” ride. Was a great time this morning, nice pace and good rotations.
    Special thanks to Joel for leading, it was sad to loose Chris. Hopefully you will be back out in no time.

  4. Chris Thomas Avatar
    Chris Thomas

    Well the best laid plans don’t always work out, I blew a front tire sidewall at the junction of Watson and York, a sad end to my day. The group went on with Joel in charge and my wife picked me up in the car. Just as well I was going slowly and not down Watson at 40+ kph

  5. Thanks for the recon report, Chris. I’ve updated the route accordingly.

  6. Chris Thomas Avatar
    Chris Thomas

    Just got back from checking out the route for the longish ride, the road through Kilbride is under construction and not suitable for road bikes. So when we are on Milburough line we should turn left on Derry Rd and this will bring us back to Twiss and miss out Kilbride. Then left on Twiss and follow the original route as planned. Those of you with GPS units may be able to modify the original route. I estimate we cut off about 3km no big deal.

  7. Chris Thomas Avatar
    Chris Thomas

    Hi James,
    Thanks for putting this together the whole event sounds delightful should be a great ride with promised good weather.