Sunday July 6th A and B rides 9:00am

 Here are the A and B routes for Sunday. We are happily going to be continuing with both rides due to the popularity of this format. Longer ride will take us to Grand Valley for a change of scenery, that and the fact that I live in the north end of the city. I am also planning on doing an out of town ride for the Sunday July 20th club ride and am wondering how much interest there would be in doing the Primrose-Creemore loop.
We can easily carpool people up and the route is really nice. Please post to the comments if this interests you. Thanks Cory.

 Shorter B ride but hilly, Luc will be ride leader for this ride.


  1. Great ride with the B group. Sorry about the 6 km of gravel with steep up and downs. Thanks for for coming out.

  2. Great ride today thanks everyone! Sorry the ride wasn’t a bit longer, I had made a mistake on the mapping.
    Quote of the day goes to bayden “when you attacked the first time I almost puked” Pritchard, no doubt a result of seeing my rear end, a close second goes to Daryl and his reason why my seat was hurting one buttock ” your assymetrical”.

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