Sunday Gravel Ride | Oct 3 @ 9:00am

RIDE CANCELLED: Yeah, big surprise. Hopefully, everyone got out yesterday when the weather was glorious.

As I post this, the weather for this Sunday is looking grim, so this is not likely going to happen. Just in case, here’s this weekend’s combined gravel ride.

We’re supposed to be starting at 11AM this time of year because its typically cold in the morning. Since the overnight temperature isn’t going below 17C, we’ll do this ride at 9AM.

Starting at the Guelph Youth Music Centre, we’ll head out on the Guelph-Goderich trail for a bit before we peel off and head NE towards Bellwood. Mandatory butter-tart stop in Bellwood, then we’ll make our way back to Guelph.

We’ll be doing a combined recreational/intermediate group and will ride at whatever pace the group is comfortable with.

If by some miracle, the weather forecast changes from the expected rain, we’ll ride at 9AM. Either way, check back here for an official go/no-go by 8AM Sunday morning.

Advance sign-up required. Click here: Sunday Gravel Rides. You will have to create an account on

Start time: please be ready to pedal at 9:00 AM

Start location: The Guelph Youth Music Centre – GYMC

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