The weather radar is showing the storm heading hitting Guelph at around 6:30pm, so playing it safe. Sorry for the about face.
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The weather radar is showing the storm heading hitting Guelph at around 6:30pm, so playing it safe. Sorry for the about face.
Wind at our backs both ways, hills all pointed down, no rain (true), paceline tight and smooth (true), temperature just right (true) and traffic lights green all the way from Watson to Exhibition Park (TRUE!).
Average for the whole ride was 26.3kph including signs, chainline adjustments, and Arkell post-ride meeting.
Thanks to Krysta, Darrin, Anne, Heather and Jay (?).
I know, I was looking out the window having weather report regret.
Shame you missed all the fun tonight Dana! 6 of us and no rain to speak of. Cycling Gods were kind to us. Thanks to all that showed!