Learn To Ride Wednesday 6PM (second to last for the season)

This short course is strongly recommended for any new-to-the-club riders (whether experienced with pack riding or not)  Every club has its own culture and rules. This is the easy way to learn them.

Step 1 Read Group Riding Skills 101 at http://03c25d2.netsolhost.com/wp15/p/group-ride-info.html#Skills,

Step 2 Arrive at 6PM,  30 minutes before the Wednesday ride. An instructor will take you through the Speed River Club bike and personal safety rules, pack riding skills and responsibilities, introduce the new Social Paceline system, and answer any questions you may have.

Step 3 We will leave before the main ride, practice skills and do some drills along the Wednesday ride  route. When the main pack arrives, we will join in and continue instruction and practice as needed.

Not sure if you need this? If in doubt, do it.

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