How to Join

Membership in the Speed River Cycling Club is $71 per year, which includes club dues ($32 and unchanged the last two years) as well as the mandatory Ontario Cycling Assocation (OCA) insurance fee ($39.)

Here’s how you join:

1. Register online at CCN bikes (full description of how to do that is below.)

2. Download and read this risk management plan.

3. Download, print and sign this waiver (or this one is you’re under-18.)

4. Bring the signed and dated waiver to Speed River Bicycle at 135 Wyndham Street.

5. Get a cool Speed River Cycling Club membership card and bring it to all rides.

6. Ride.

The fine print:

• You are eligible for an OCA insurance fee deduction ($39) with a valid UCI/CCA race license, OCA citizens permit, or current membership in another OCA-affiliated club, and may indicate so during the registration process and avoid being charged the OCA insurance fee.

If you obtain a race license or citizens permit after paying the full club membership fee, we will assist you in obtaining a refund of the OCA insurance fee portion of the dues from the OCA.

• By joining the SRCC you must understand that while we take steps to make the rides and other events as good as we can, there are always risks. Please be sure to read the risk management plan and understand the application form and waivers.

• The SRCC cannot allow non-members to join our rides. You can, however, sign up for the OCA’s ‘try-a-ride’ program, which enables you to try out any club ride (we would encourage a Wednesday ride) for one ride, maximum, per year. 

How the CCN registration process works:

1. Click here to be taken to the club’s registration page on the CCN website.

2. Click on the REGISTER NOW button to initiate the registration process.

3. Log in to the CCN website. New CCN users are required to create a CCN account while returning CCN users will be asked to enter their CCN account details. Please note that the Club does not have access to your CCN account information.

4 Follow the registration process. Select the appropriate membership type, adult or youth (under 18), and indicate if you have a UCI race licence, OCA Citizen Permit, or membership in another OCA-affiliated club. If you have not yet received your licence number from the OCA, enter “0” when prompted.

5. Complete the registration process by providing payment information. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

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