Get well soon Andy!

Andy crashed and broke his femur riding today, and is having surgery on Monday. The pavement will probably be repaired on Tuesday 😉 All the best man, heal up! Send him positive vibes if you get a chance.

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4 Responses to “Get well soon Andy!”

  1. Daryl LeBlanc Avatar
    Daryl LeBlanc

    Sheesh Andy. You never do anything 1/2 way. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Get well.

  2. Ouchie, hope the surgery went well! Also hoping you have a speedy recovery Andy!

  3. Deanna Solomon Avatar
    Deanna Solomon

    Thanks for letting us know Gabhan. Get well Andy.

  4. Anthony Vecchiarelli Avatar
    Anthony Vecchiarelli

    Get well soon Andy!