Wilfred Ferwerda

  • Let’s hope the weather cooperates tonight as we head out for a nice CCW rip down and east across SR15. We’ll head up around the Limehouse area before making our way back around the Acton Quarry then through Eden […]

  • After the TT on Tuesday, we will probably be looking for a little bit of a social pace. Hopefully, the weather holds off as it looks like it will and we get a good ride in. It looks like the wind is even going to […]

  • Let’s look at the positive to all this rain, surely the roads will be clear for tomorrow’s ride. A long route has been planned that will take us down toward St George, above Dundas, up through Waterdown and up […]

  • In all honesty, it looks like Saturday is the better cycling day this weekend. Although TWN keeps changing every time I check it, it is going to be cold, damp and windy all day Sunday…it is Mother’s Day anyhow […]

  • ***PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE*** By popular demand, this Sunday morning is starting at the new start time of 8:00am!! We’ll head south and make our way through Kilbride and then head into Carlisle for a coffee stop. […]

  • Note the changed start time to 6:30pm this week. This week the route will head east through Eden Mills and across SR25 to Dublin Line. The B/C groups will head back from Dublin Line while the A route will […]

  • Something different for our first Sunday Mixed ride. A little toodle to Andrew’s Scenic Acres for butter tarts or other baked good of your choice. The wind should be at our back coming home. Come prepared for some […]

  • A nice, easy paced mid-week ride is on the table for Wednesday afternoon. Let’s hope for good weather and smooth roads for our ride. In saying that, there is some chip seal on Side Road 25 just before Guelph line […]

  • I have been doing a lot of yoga for the past couple of years, practising at home almost every morning. In chatting with a friend of mine, I learned that he has created a series of yoga for cyclist videos with […]

  • So, Scott and I have been working together to design a slower paced, social route that will include a medium distance and longer distance for those who want to ride at the 28 to 30 km/h pace. We have created a 120 […]

  • Hi there,

    I am sharing this with the club in hopes that if we all take a bit of time to complete this survey we can make a difference. I have called in a couple of times (mostly concerning the stretch along […]

  • Looks like Sunday is going to be a gorgeous day with low wind and a lot of sun. Sunday’s “Medium” ride will be “medium paced”…and long in distance. A trip down to Grupetto in Dundas at a pace hovering around 28 […]

  • It will be warm and sunny with very light wind tonight. Perfect for a nice, friendly-paced social ride. Please see route below. We should be back before it gets dark but lights are a great idea anyhow.

  • So I took on a Sunday ride and was hoping to head down to Paris but looking at the forecast, it does not look like the wind will cooperate. Seeing that it will be easterly winds, I thought it best to head east […]

  • Looks like the weather is going to be much better for Wednesday’s Social Ride. Please keep in mind that this is a recreational ride with an expected pace of 28 km/h average. It is a no drop ride but, according to […]

  • CANCELLED…with the snow and ice on the roads, and on the sides, it is probably best to err on the side of caution. I will be Zwifting at 5:30, doing the USMES club ride 2.0 if anyone wants to meet me there. […]

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