Daryl LeBlanc

  • 110 KM with lots of places to stop and refuel. Options to extend or shorten if we decide to do so as a group. Ignore the sections on the map that indicate unpaved roads. The entire route is, in fact, paved. […]

  • 85 km

    We will roll down Wellington Road 50 and then down through Acton where we can stop and refuel. All the roads are, in fact, paved. Ride with GPS is not up to date on paved roads.

    Speed will be between […]

  • The sign up link is broken. Folks can still sign up by using the Ride Sign Up link at the top right of the page.

  • Daryl LeBlanc wrote a new post 3 years ago

    The ride is offically canceled. It seems that between the weather and my general popularity that I am the only person to have signed up for the ride. Not the way we would have wanted the last official club ride […]

  • *** Post ride Gathering at Fixed Gear Brewing (20 Alma St) ***

    It will be chilly for this ride. Bring your warm kit and blinky lights! Sunset is 7:45. I have shamelessly borrowed Mathew’s route from last […]

  • Daryl LeBlanc wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Third time lucky? We have tried to run this route twice this month only to be weathered out. Let’s hope this time works.

    We are now moving the start time to 9 am to allow for a few extra precious degrees of […]

  • The Weather is not looking good. Rain is coming and we will be wet and cold by 11am with some more rain to follow. At least this is what the radar is predicting. I am making the call to cancel the ride. […]

  • Thanks to everyone for being patient while we sorted out the kinks in the route. The route has been updated to reflect our smart on the road choices.

  • Something Different. Stops in Elora and Fergus (if needed). Roads that many of you may not have ever ridden. Nothing crazy and a few smooth rail trail sections with a dam surprise. Lots of options for the A […]

    • Thanks to everyone for being patient while we sorted out the kinks in the route. The route has been updated to reflect our smart on the road choices.

      • Thank you for an awesome route and designing it with no wind 😉 It was a great ride and a lot of fun…the perfect start to Old Man Grumpy’s birthday…hehe

  • This is route of amazing scenery with a price of lots of hills. Stop in Bellfountain and Erin if needed.

  • It will be cold, please bring lots of warm gear, you can always remove excess gear but can not put on gear you did not bring.

    Lots of different terrain and scenery on this 70km ride. We can stop in […]

  • Update: Ride will go! It will be cold, please bring lots of warm gear, you can always remove excess gear but can not put on gear you did not bring.

    Lots of different terrain and scenery on this 70km ride. […]

  • Yes, Early and Late Season rides have altered start times to accommodate for cool temperatures in the mornings. Weekend rides will move to 9am as temps warm up. We also typically move the start times of weekday rides to accommodate early sunsets.

  • Loop around Bellwood lake with good stops to refuel (Bellwood butter-tarts!) and a nice section of rail trail along the lake. Lots of options to alter the route during the ride to suite the needs of the group. […]

    • Yes, Early and Late Season rides have altered start times to accommodate for cool temperatures in the mornings. Weekend rides will move to 9am as temps warm up. We also typically move the start times of weekday rides to accommodate early sunsets.

  • Same route as the cancelled route from last week. 50km back to the end at Arkell.   Should give people time to get home before the darkness arrives. If we have a big group we will split up into sub groups. The […]

  • This one will get us back in under 2 hours; ~ 60km. Lots of time to get home before dark. Note the change from Nassagaweya-Esquesing Town Line to 6th line from the last time we ran this route. If we are a large […]

  • This one will get us back in under 2 hours. Lots of time to get home before dark. We will work on a steady rotation with short pulls to keep the speed up and the effort consistent. Our goal is a fast and […]

  • Thos one will get us back in under 2 hours. Lots of time to get home before dark.

  • The route is 75km from the start at the library to the finish in Arkell. The map shows it as being longer due to some duplications between Arkell and the Library at the end. This route will get us back by noon […]

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