Andy Mill

  • We’ll be heading out to twin ponds but mountain biking is not on the menu. This route should satisfy your speed cravings. Note the tour of Col du Watson before we hit Leslie and head east.

  • The route. See ya Tuesday.

    • There will be a non club ride starting at the library at 6:30 pm if you are still interested in doing a ride tonight.

  • Here is the route. It will flat, fast and enjoyable. I’m not attending the ride so familiarize yourself with the route. Have fun, be safe.

  • Let’s try some hill repeats for general fitness or anyone racing the Steve Bauer Classic on Saturday which features the Effingham climb. For our purposes we’ll use Col du Watson (x 5). After each interval regroup […]

  • Down through Mountsberg and up the Col du Watson this time. Have a look at the early part of the route as there are some zig-zags on our way south.

  • Ride Cancelled: An hour from ride time it looks like a big rain cell is heading in from 6:00 to 7:30. Sorry for the late notice.
    New ride time this week starting a half-hour later. The route heads north-west and […]

  • This route is a little longer but should be just fine with the 6:00 pm start.

  • Weather is looking good this week so full gas all the way. Or sit in the wheels and attack it’s up to you. Always ride with safety at the forefront of your mind. Thanks to everyone who came out and got drenched […]

  • As last week’s ride was cancelled we’ll have another whack at that route. See you at 6:00. Lights are a good idea just in case. Bring your card.

  • RIDES CANCELLED. It looks like rain at the start for sure. It may clear after but with soaked kits, falling temperatures and road spray it wouldn’t make for a good ride. A few hard riders may gather anyway but […]

  • Andy Mill wrote a new post 8 years ago

    See you Sunday!

  • We started the season with loops of the Guelph Lake interval circuit on a frigid April evening. Let’s finish the same way and close the circle. If you’ve considered trying a Tuesday A ride, this could be a good […]

  • Here’s the route. I may be in Montreal. Enjoy.

  • Ride Cancelled: this may clear up a little but more rain appears to be coming at 7:00pm. If you are determined to ride, north may be your best bet. Or you could just skip it and head to the Wooly for a nice […]

    • If the ride is a go – Wooly for post -ride bevy’s as today is the last Thursday ride of August!

  • Commit this route to memory, load it on a Garmin or tape it to the stem. It’s a tour of the southern roads, something a little different. Remember, we’re meeting at 6:00pm from now on.

  • Looks like a heavy rain event coming in tomorrow. But if the ride is a go this is our route. Maybe we’ll see the B ride along the way.

  • This is my first Tuesday B ride but I expect you all have a handle on how this works. Average speed is 34 km/h so it’s fast but not insane. Insane has its place but not on this ride. It’s a no-drop so we’ll keep […]

  • This fast, flat dash to Puslinch Lake and back with a rare descent down the Col will be pushing 80kms and sunset is 8:40 pm. So bring lights for the ride home. Will need to shorten these things soon. A brisk 40 […]

  • Here’s a fun route, another Bayden special. We did it last summer. Let’s do it again. Note the 1km gravel stretch in the NE corner between 7th and 6th Lines.

  • Something a little different this week. We did it last year, one of Bayden’s concoctions dubbed Megaloops, two of them about 21kms each. We may split into two groups and have one chase the other while it tries to […]

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