Wed. July 24 Social Ride

Looks like a great night for a relaxed ride. Here are some easy A, B and C routes.

Please remember to maintain a good cohesive social paceline on the Wednesday rides. Let’s emphasize good communication up and down the paceline and look after each other. Further, faster, safer, together.

Three pace levels for Wednesday.

Wednesday A: 28-30 km/h average
Wednesday B: 26-28 km/h average
Wednesday C: 24-26 km/h average

Social Ride: Wed. at 6:00

Let’s go. (Forecast seems to predict a dry rain near the end of the ride.)

As one of the last rides of the season, I propose a metaphor for the season. The start of the ride will be a bit rough (i.e. south on Watson). There will be some uphills and some downhills, before a smooth return home (i.e. north on Victoria). Bring lights, since it is getting dark earlier.

The weather forecast looks a bit iffy. I will make a go/no-go decision before 4:30. Hopefully, it will be a go.

Aug. 15 Social Ride

For a ride which promises to be hot, I think that we should head for somewhere with lots of greenery. Please being lots of your favorite cold liquid and lights, just in case. (Note: this is the last Wednesday Ride of this year with the 6:30 start time. Next week, rides start at 6:00.)

Wednesday Ride: June 13

RIDE CANCELLED. The forecast suggests that the roads might be dry by 6:30 and the average wind speed might be tolerable by 7:30 but the gusts will make any group ride less social than it should be.

The plan is to ride through some quiet places, south on Fourth and back up Watson. It could be a nice day to take advantage of the late sunset; hopefully less “exciting” than last week.

For “Try a Ride”, please arrive a couple of minutes before 6:30.

The weather forecast is a bit silly (high probability of a thunderstorm with about 1mm of rain). So, think happy thoughts at 4:00 and I will make a go/no-go decision before 5:00.

Wednesday’s Social Ride: May 2 6:30

Update: Let’s go. The cycling gods have been appeased.

For the first social ride in May, I am told that the Club’s Executive sacrificed a pair of mid-priced carbon wheels to ensure that the weather would be good.

So, let’s try the route from two weeks ago: a cruise around the east side of Guelph. Please remember that it starts at 6:30 this time. We should be back home in time but, just in case, bring lights.

Think happy thoughts. The forecast is suggesting that there may be rain nearby so, by 5:00, I will confirm that the ride is going ahead.

Last Wednesday Ride of the Season: 6:00

Update: looking out side is very confusing. There are enough nasty looking clouds that I think that it is safer to cancel the official ride. I will look again at 5:30 and, if it clears up then I may ride unofficially.

For the last fun ride of the season, I have chosen a short route over some familiar roads with lots of greenery. Sunset is coming early, so please bring a light.

Again this week, the weather forecast is pretty stupid: i.e. 40% probability that it will rain less than 1mm. Last week’s ride was great. I will make the go/no-go decision for this ride before 4:30.

Social Ride for Aug. 30 at 6:00

Update: sunny weather, great temperatures, weather reports are stupid (“40% chance of <1mm at 7:00"): let's go. I think that a short trip down Watson and back up Victoria, with some interesting hills, might be fun as sunset creeps earlier. Please bring lights, just in case. (Confusingly, the weather forecast is calling for a probability of misty rain in the late afternoon. I will see how it develops and make a go/no-go decision before 4:30.)

Social Ride | Wed May 3rd 6:30pm

Wednesday’s ride is relatively short this time: it dips into “Hamilton” for a couple of km. and has some interesting hills.

Remember: this will be the first time this year using the summer start time: 6:30. Hopefully, the temperature will also be summer-like. Please bring lights and your membership card, just in case.