Kevin Bodbyl
Tuesday All Members Ride | August 6th 6:30PM
UPDATE: Ride is on! NEW ROUTES: R1 & R2 are the same as last week, all else are new! See maps below. These are the Late Season Routes for the TAM Ride. Other than R1 & R2 they are shorter as the sun is setting earlier. However, there are a lot of construction detours limiting…
**CANCELED** Thursday Advanced Road Ride | June 27 6:30PM
UPDATE: Either due to a lot of the R3 traveling, our road clinic or people not wanting to head north we have no sign-ups at 5:30pm and so the advanced ride is canceled. Time to flip things around and end on the north end for a change! We are taking one of my favourite sections…
Tuesday All Members Ride | June 11th 6:30PM
ATTENTION: The Start & Finish of the rides are at Flow State Bike Co. parking lot. See map image below. If possible, ride you bike to the start rather than driving. There is some limited parking in the area, but please do not park on the Flow State lot. NEW ROUTES! We have adjusted the…
Thursday Advanced Road Ride | April 25 6:00PM
Weekday road rides have been back for over a week, that means its time for us to visit the Watsonberg from the south. We’re doing a big clockwise loop first by heading out over to 5th line through some of my favorite chicanes on 30th Side Road. Then a bit jumping back and forth between…
CANCELLED: Thursday Advanced Road Ride | August 17, 6:00 PM
** UPDATE ** We might start dry but it still looks unlikely we’d finish that way. Hopefully the weekend brings clear skies! Looks like we’re getting a south wind, and I’ve planned a long stretch for us to enjoy it! We’re starting earlier (6:00pm) so we can get close to the same distance as last…
Cancelled: Tuesday All Members Ride | Aug 15th 6:00PM
Welcome to the Late Season Routes for the TAM Ride! See maps below for changes. ** UPDATE ** Cancelled, it’s likely to still be pouring at 6pm. As usual unofficial rides could happen, or why not take a day of rest and attend the Wednesday Gravel ride or plan an unofficial ride for tomorrow using…
GCC Riding Apparel
The GCC kit store will be open for ordering until Monday July 17th. On offer are our most popular options, the NOVA PRO high-performance jersey along with the SOLAR PRO BIB shorts and the more affordable and less race oriented FONDO Club Jersey and CADENCE BIB shorts. All items are available in men’s and women’s…
Thursday Advanced Road Ride | April 27th 6:00PM
Weathers looking pretty reasonable for this time of year, and its looking like it could be a rainy weekend, so come out and enjoy it while we all can! As always we’ll be riding near sunset so bringing lights is always recommended, never know if there will be a flat and some unplanned roadside time!…
Thursday Advanced Road Ride | April 13th 6:00PM
Its the season opener! We’re keeping it simple with a few popular roads and a shorter route. Please pay special attention to the routes/groups, as due to our Tuesday speed group addition if you were riding R2 last year you’ll be in Advanced 2 now (R3/R4) and using the second route. With it being April…
Tuesday All Members Ride | August 9th 6:30PM
NEW LATE SEASON Routes for the TAM Ride! The cherries, strawberries and peas are done, the corn is high, the peaches are ripe and the sun sets sooner! This week we switch to our late season routes – the summer rolls by. These routes for the TAM Ride are a little shorter now and similar…
Thursday Advanced Road Ride | July 14 6:30pm
We’ve tacked on some extra Ks to the DNR route that ran a couple of weeks ago. This route has a small one block section heading north on Downey – single file along there. And we have a small detour through a Ward 4 Burb because of the Speedvale closure. R2 & R3 lets focus…
Tuesday All Members Ride | July 5th 6:30PM
The roads should be dry for the start of the ride. Thank mother nature for the watering, we needed it! These are the Mid Season Routes for the TAM Ride. They are a bit longer now the sun is setting later. Routes are also a bit more challenging with a few more hills. They will…
Thursday Advanced Road Ride | Thursday June 30, 6:30 PM
June is almost over I’m using that as an excuse for completing some unfinished business! We’re going back to some routes Andrew W so carefully created before we got rained out June 8th. A tour through Oustic, Everton, Rockwood and Eden Mills! I’ve made some minor adjustments and added a little length to take full…
Tuesday All Members Ride | June 7th 6:30PM
These are the Mid Season Routes for the TAM Ride. They are a bit longer now the sun is setting later. Routes are also a bit more challenging with a few more hills. They will remain the same for several weeks giving riders an opportunity to see how they progress in fitness week-over-week. Bringing lights…
CANCELLED – Thursday Advanced Road Ride | May 26th 6:30 PM
Unfortunately the weather forecast is looking very hit or miss, but the radar shows rain so playing it safe and cancelling the ride. It’s going to be a warm one, let’s just hope its dry too! I’ll post an update around 5PM. We’re heading south, a start familiar to the TAM regulars however we’re skipping…
CANCELLED Tuesday All Member Ride (TAM) | April 26th 6:00 PM
RIDE CANCELLED: High chance of rain at the start of the ride, while it should be very light, at 5 degrees it could be very cold. Its looking a little better then last Tuesday, possibly still cold and windy, check back later on Tuesday for an update! Tuesday is the night of the week that…