Thursday A/B/C June 6-6:30 pm

Been wanting to do this loop for years, and now that we are almost at the longest day I figure why not? Just wish I was doing the A ride so I could get dropped on those hills!

WARNING! This route will have some gravel sections, not the type to ruin road bikes but it exists nonetheless. The roads were fine last time I rode them a few years ago… Always take it slow but steady on gravel.

Other route notes, human workers were repaving out at 6th line and 20th last week so be mindful of the bump at that intersection. After that it’s gravel to 26. Stay single file on Wellington road 26 as it can be busy.

4th line is also gravel and includes a climb and descent, take it easy on these sections. I will remind people as we approach.

The A ride will continue onto the long climbs on 17th to sort out the climbers from the puncheurs. They will also hit a gravel road just this side of Erin, no attacks on that gravel climb! Actually why not, I wont be there.

Sunday long ride, out of town! July 8th 7:45 AM*

We will be doing an out of town ride tomorrow starting in Primrose which is just north of Orangeville, with a food stop in Creemore.
Meet up at the library at 7:45 so the ride can start from The subway in primrose at 9:00 am. You can also meet us there if you wish.
If you don’t have transport people will be able to drive others.

Sunday Combined Ride April 29, 11:00 AM

Well it’s a bit warmer so lets meander through the countryside around Erin and Hillsburg. Food stop will be in Hillsburg.
Does this route have hills? Yep a few big ones on sideroad 17, those that want can go all out on them but we will all regroup at the stop sign at the end of the road and the overall elevation isn’t crazy.
Does this route have gravel? Yep it has a bit of gravel, sometimes riding through a bit of gravel is safer than busy roads in my opinion.
Good luck to all Club Members riding Paris to Ancaster!

Sunday combined ride April 8th 11:00 am

Rice cancelled, too cold. This lovely route takes up north to Grand Valley which is one of my favorite… lets get real here folks. Sunday at 11:00 is gonna be minus two, feeling like minus 7. Unless the forecast changes drastically plan on riding indoors for a bit longer or just eat pizza and relax, there will be lots of time to ride once the weather warms up.

Sunday combined ride October 1st 11:00 am

And now for something completely different, heading out towards Erin then to beautiful Lac Belwood where we will stop for food and possibly drinks.
Please note start time is now 11:00 am so you can stay up late Saturday night watching Gossip Girl on Netflix like I’ll be and still make the ride!

Forecast looks clear but the temperatures are getting back to normal with the overnight low on Saturday hitting 3 degrees so dress appropriately, Oh and good luck to all the losers doing Levi’s* Grand Fondo down in sunny, warm California this weekend, not jealous at all.

Sunday April 30 combined rides| 9:00 AM start! Ride cancelled

Update Ride cancelled, Rain is coming through, even if it stops when the ride starts at 9:00 the roads will be wet and the temperature is only going to be 2 degrees with 50 km/h gusts, Stalwart people can still show up but it will not be an official club ride.

a Please note the start time is now at 9:00 am and this will be the last combined ride until October. Next weekend we will offer a separate short and long ride each with its own ride leader.
The weather forecast isn’t looking great for Sunday with rain and a high of 5 degrees so please check back by 8:00 am Sunday to see if the ride is still on.

Scheduled stop will be in Kilbride for drinks.
Good luck to all our riders doing the Paris to Ancaster ride, hope the forecast improves!

Sunday April 9th A/B rides| 11:00 am start

You can just smell spring in the air, well maybe after you sweep the snow off the flowers. Have no worries though, since the weather is looking fantastic on Sunday we will be offering two distance options for Club Members which we normally don’t do until the weather warms up.

There will be both medium and long distance rides that will follow the same course until km 47, at which point riders doing the medium ride will split off back towards Guelph for a 75 km ride. Those doing the long ride will continue on North for a 122 km ride. There is a small gravel section on the longer ride.

Stop will be in Belwood for drinks on the longer ride, no stop scheduled for the medium ride however if anyone needs fluids we can definitely stop at km 41.8.

Medium ride

Long ride

Sunday September 25- 9:00 am long ride

For those who missed it last Sundays ride was dedicated to Lance Armstrong the 7 time Tour de France Champion* since it was his birthday, this upcoming Sunday is Mark Hamill’s birthday so in honour of everybody’s favorite Star Wars actor we are gonna be climbing into space (3600 ft).
We will be heading to Dundas and tackling Clara’s climb* AKA Sydenham, then tackle Snake road, Rattlesnake, 6th line and finally Watsonberg on what looks like a perfect day for riding.
Anyone feeling particularly sprightly can join me for repeats on Syndenham hill or instead can relax and drink coffee in Dundas at the halfway point of our ride.
Hope to see you on Sunday!

Sunday Long ride – Sept 18 – 9:00 AM

SUNDAY SMASHFEST! Just kidding, however if you have it on your bucket list to hit as many villages as possible on a club ride then it’s time to get a new bucket list. If I ever get around to making a bucket list the first thing I would put on it would be to be more spontaneous, then I would rip it up.
We will be riding some new roads you likely have never ridden on as we pass through or near all these places, and yes one road has a bit of gravel. Not GC level of gravel so don’t worry if you cleaned your bike in August and were hoping you were done cleaning it for the year.
The plan is to stop in Grand Valley for refreshments but we can stop earlier if needed at Belwood. The riding season will soon be over except for the most hardcor roadies, so let’s get out and enjoy the nice weather while we can.

Sunday combined out of town ride, June 26: 9:00 am start

Sunday is the Tour of Guelph and it would be great if as many club members who can, join in this great ride for charity.
Due to the Tour we will be scheduling one combined out of town ride for this Sunday starting in Primrose which is just north of Orangeville.

The Primrose Creemore loop takes in some lovely terrain with some great climbs. The drive up takes about one hour so plan on leaving at 7:50 to be able to start the ride at 9:00 am from Primrose.
In Primrose we park in the Subway parking lot.

If you would like to carpool please post here, I can take one other person with me and others can also take people.
We will stop in Creemore for food and drink. I have two routes listed, the second one skips the extra climb by Creemore and makes the ride 10 km shorter for people who want less KM.

Sunday May 29: Long ride 9:00 AM with social to follow

Put away the knives, cause its a forks weekend! For this hot soupy Sunday we will head to the Forks of the credit, with a stop for food in Belfountain, (first one up the climb is buying).
The forecast shows some pretty extreme heat and the chance of thunder showers. Will update Sunday am by 8:00 at the latest if it’s cancelled due to rain.
You may note from my horrible map that the ride actually ends in Arkell, this is to allow the group to continue to Borealis for some drinks, food and pleasant socializing if so desired. So bring some money and then some extra as there’s always some clown who forgets his wallet.