Doug Burpee
Sunday July 31, Medium Ride
Ride is on 9AM start. Sunday medium, fun loop around Kilbride if weather is cooperating, will make the call by 8:15. Can stop for refreshments or carry on.
Sunday July 3, Medium Ride, 9:00 am
This route was for a ride that was rained out in May. Looks like a good choice for tomorrow. I haven’t added a coffee stop anywhere, we can discuss as a group if that is something we want to do.
Sunday Medium Ride, June 19
Something a little different today. Due to a surprise Father’s Day plan, I will not be able to lead the ride, so it was decided that the two rides would start off together, then part ways on Concession Rd 6 at which point the medium ride will continue on to Brock Road and do the…
Wednesday Ride, June 7
What, only 13 degrees C! Too cold? No, just perfect. Make sure you dress for it, we’ll have sunny skies, and a clear night. Small town tour tonight, with a loop through Arkell, Eden Mills, Rockwood, and Everton (sorry Oustic, next time). Should be back before dark, but bring lights just in case. Begins and…
Sunday Medium Ride Cancelled
Snow, gusts of wind up to 40km/h and a wind chill of -3 makes for a miserable ride. Weather is a little better this afternoon so put your onesie back on, hop into bed then go for a spin after lunch. Well………not sure if this ride will pan out. However, if there is no snow,…
April 27, Wednesday Ride, 6pm
Wednesday night ride on some quieter roads, especially for those new to group riding. Weather is looking great. Bring lights, membership cards, and please check out that general ride information on the SRCC site if you are new to the club and the Wednesday night ride.
Aug 19 Wednesday night ride | 6:30pm
Be aware of the shorter nights, bring lights, 6:30 start for this local route.
Sunday Ride
Something a little different this Sunday. A lot of people are away, including Gabhan, so we decided to combine the two rides making the medium ride a little longer, and the longer ride a little shorter. Something for everyone here! Pace will accommodate whoever shows up. A great Sunday morning route that will take in…
Wednesday Ride July 22 | 6:30pm
Relatively flat ride, scenic west-east ride trying to avoid the headwind.
Sunday Medium Ride, 9 AM start
One of my favourite rides. Weather looks great. If group wants we can stop for treats in Rockwood.