Thursday A/B/C June 13 – 6:30pm

RIDE IS ON. Radar and hourly forecast look good before 9:00 pm. However, the roads will be wet. The A ride will do an extra loop at the very end. B and C groups will do the shorter version and focus on staying together with a steady speed. The C group speed will be 30 to 32 km/h, B group speed will be 32 to 35 km/h and the A group will do whatever they want. Enjoy! The ride officially ends at Watson and Arkell.

October 14th 11:00am combined A/B ride

Fall colours you want, Fall colours you get. When searching the Speed River ride database, one was titled “Fall Colours Tour” Done. We ride because it is not on the trainer, and because 6th Line is on the agenda. As well, there is a break at the Flying Monkey. The ride is officially over at Arkell and Watson, I can’t add that point of interest anymore as I do not have a premium Ride with GPS account.

Tuesday A “Hammerfest” August 28th – 6:00pm

OFFICIAL RIDE CANCELLED. Between the humidex advisory, and the high probability of thunderstorms a bit later on, the official ride is cancelled. People may still show up at the library though. Note the early start time! the Guelph Lake Loops keep getting rained out, lets try a different route. The ride will be broken up into 3 separate segments with full regrouping after each. The first two finish on Watson at Hume. We will pull off to the side of Hume and regroup there (please wait off on the shoulder of the road). The last loop heads out to Eden Mills and 2nd Line. The finish is the usual sign on Arkell. If there are enough people out we can set up some team pursuits. The ride is officially finished at Arkell and Watson.

Tuesday A “Hammerfest” Aug. 21 – 6:00pm

RIDE IS CANCELLED. If the B-Ride is scared of rain and lightning, then so is the A-Ride (good choice Chris). Ride some zwift or hammer away Wednesday as the weather looks great. For starters, note the 6:00 time start. Yup, it is that time of year again. This is the 3rd time I have attempted the Guelph Lake Loops ride, and the weather forecast may ruin it again. The official call will be made by 4:31, if it is cancelled. If it is not cancelled, we will repeat the 8km loop 3-5 times with a rest between each. If enough riders show up, we can set up chase groups and some team dynamics to make the suffering more interesting.

Thursday A/B Ride, May 31 – 6:30pm

For starters, before I forget, this is the SRCC social at the Wooly (this goes rain or shine ~9pm) . Secondly, the weather may just be good for us by evening so get ready for a burner of a ride. The official call will be made by 5:00pm.

We are going to try something usually done by Hammerfesters (sick people who seem to thrive on suffering), but it is a great way to improve everyone’s fitness, interval loops out by Guelph Lake. We bike out to Watson and Mill Road, there we stop and get organized. We will break up into smaller groups (4 to 10 people per group) then hammer around the 8km loop. Once we get back to Mill Road we stop, regroup, and rest. Then we break up into similar groups and repeat 3 to 5 times. We will always regroup so people get enough rest. The idea is to get a high intensity workout, the rest allows you to get a higher intensity than you would on a steady ride. A couple considerations: still ride as an efficient safe group (not 3 abreast). When we are waiting, we need to be on the shoulder of the Watson Road, not on the road. Lastly, it is close to Guelph so people can show up late if the weather gets better, or leave early if the weather gets worse. Last last, head to the Wooly.

Tuesday B May 29th – 6:30pm

Here is a very similar route to the A Ride Hammerfest. If you want to have a go on the Hammerfest, have a go, the B ride will be along the way to pick up your blood, sweat, and tears. You can compare the rides to see where they differ (around the 36 km mark). As usual, bring lights and be ready to keep are real smooth pace.

Tuesday B April 17 – 6:00PM

Outdoor ride cancelled. I am going to go out on a limb and predict that an official ride on Tuesday will not occur.  If the weather really swings around for the better I will post a real route.  For now I will suggest some indoor suffering on the trainer; hammer away on Zwift or even one of my favourite GCN workouts.

Thursday A/B – August 31st – 6:00pm + CLUB SOCIAL AT THE WOOLY

2 Bergs and a Col.  Pay attention to this loopy route.  For the B ride everyone will regroup after the first descent of the Berg on Watson, and after the descent of the Col by Leslie.  After the second time up and over the Berg, it is everyone for themselves to the finish.  The A ride can hammer away with a little more aggression.  Everyone should bring lights as the sun is setting a little earlier.

Since it’s the last Thursday of the month, we’re heading to the Wooly after the ride. The patio may or may not be open, but it will be down to about 11 degrees by then.

Thursday A/B June 1st – 6:30pm

Here is a route to help strengthen those climbing legs.  It could make for a feisty A group ride, the B ride will keep things more steady and always regroup at the stop sign after the Col de Watson.

It’s that time of year again – the monthly Thursday socials are back!

With the longer days and warmer temperatures it’s great to get to know your fellow SRCC members. Following the last Thursday ride for the summer months, let’s meet at The Wooly for food/drink.

Note: Some Thursday B riders may ride directly to The Wooly from the end point of the scheduled ride in full SRCC lycra and bike in tow. For all other SRCC members, please feel free to arrive at 9:15pm.

Tuesday B Ride – May 9, 6:30

We will add an intense loop, similar to the plan a couple Thursdays ago that was rained out.  This should help B riders who are looking to move up to an A ride in the future.  The A group can go ahead at their blistering pace.  The B group will stick closer to the 32km/h to 35km/h speed with 3 exceptions.  When looking at the route, you will notice we do a loop in the Side Road 25 area (Bayden’s old training loop).  At that little zig zag section, those who want to increase the intensity and hammer for one lap (approximately 9km) can do so.  People can also choose to stay more comfortable. Once finished the loop and back at the zig zag section, everyone will regroup and carry on together.  The second section of hard riding will start where we turn north onto Milburough and end where the road veers away from the 401.  Finally, the last hammer section will be from Watsonberg to Arkell.  There it is, the civilized hammer.

Thursday A/B Ride – 6:00PM

Ride cancelled.  Too much rain with the threat of lightning.  Save your legs for P2A.

Weather forecast is iffy, keep your fingers crossed.  We will attempt a little intensity mixed in with the Thursday B ride in order to help prepare riders who are looking to move up to the Thursday A ride in the future.  The A group can go ahead at the 35km/h pace with some higher intensity sections.  The B group will stick closer to the 32km/h speed with 2 exceptions.  When looking at the route, you will notice we do a loop in the Side Road 25 area (Bayden’s old training loop).  At that little zig zag section, those who want to increase the intensity and hammer for one lap (approximately 9km) can do so.  People can also choose to stay more comfortable. Once finished the loop and back at the zig zag section, everyone will regroup and carry on their merry way together.  The last section of the ride along Arkell from 1st Line to Watson is also be a good place to ramp up the speed for those interested in a little suffering.