Thursday A/B Rides Aug. 25, 6:00pm

Ride Cancelled: this may clear up a little but more rain appears to be coming at 7:00pm. If you are determined to ride, north may be your best bet. Or you could just skip it and head to the Wooly for a nice refreshing pint. Looks like rain coming our way. A go/no-go call will be made by 5:00pm. If the ride goes ahead, there’s a slight adjustment. Instead of taking 2nd Line south, we will take 1st Line. Too much fresh chip seal on 2nd. I didn’t change the map so make a mental note of it. I will remind you. And I found a bike!! If I can find a bike, I will be there to lead the ride. Similar to Tuesday in case there are some unsettled scores. Note earlier start time. Don’t miss out!

Tuesday B Ride, August 9 6:30 pm

This is my first Tuesday B ride but I expect you all have a handle on how this works. Average speed is 34 km/h so it’s fast but not insane. Insane has its place but not on this ride. It’s a no-drop so we’ll keep an eye out. After the Watsonberg you can ride it like you stole it. See you tomorrow. Bring a light.

Hammerfest August 2 Tuesday A 6:30 pm

This fast, flat dash to Puslinch Lake and back with a rare descent down the Col will be pushing 80kms and sunset is 8:40 pm. So bring lights for the ride home. Will need to shorten these things soon. A brisk 40 km/h average should get us home on time. No problem.

Tuesday A HammerFest July 19 6:30pm

Something a little different this week. We did it last year, one of Bayden’s concoctions dubbed Megaloops, two of them about 21kms each. We may split into two groups and have one chase the other while it tries to elude capture. It’s fun, you’ll see, unless you were there last year then you already know.

Tuesday A |HAMMERFEST|July 12, 6:30 pm

Here’s a longer, challenging route heading south then west. We’ll keep an eye on the weather. A couple of our club members are heading to Rio for the Olympics in August! Andrew Yorke and Jason Wilson will represent Canada and Barbados respectively in the triathlon. It’s our pleasure and honour to help these athletes prepare for their life dreams and we’re glad they’ve chosen to train with us.

June 28, Tuesday HAMMERFEST 6:30

Here is the challenging route we look forward to every year. After Rattlesnake, 6th Line doesn’t seem so bad – except you’ve just climbed Rattlesnake. Let’s all regroup in the Rattlesnake Point parking lot (left turn at the top)where bottles can be refilled and high-5s exchanged.

June 7 – Tuesday A – Hammerfest 6:30

A new route for this week. Fairly challenging and about as long as a Tuesday night ride can reasonably be. Lights for your ride home might be convenient. The southern turn around point comes north on Twiss Rd. Should be a good one. Aren’t they all?