Thursday Advanced Rides | September 9th @ 6:00 pm

*** Post ride Gathering at Fixed Gear Brewing (20 Alma St) ***

It will be chilly for this ride. Bring your warm kit and blinky lights! Sunset is 7:45. I have shamelessly borrowed Mathew’s route from last week and I shortened the A & B/C rides. If time is really an issue we can cut the B/C ride further at Moffat. I have shortened the A ride less and that group can ride really fast to get home on time or shorten in the bottom of the route as they see fit. Anyone shed from the A group can shortcut to get back on with the B/C if they are dropped in the extended part of the route.

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Rides start in the parking lot of the East End Library at the corner of Starwood and Watson. See the map above for the meeting point for your group.

Advance sign-up for these rides is required. Click HERE to reserve your spot.

This ride is open to SRCC members only. If you have not signed up to be a club member, you can do so HERE.

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