Sunday Gravel Ride | August 15, 2021

And now for something completely different. Well, not really, just leaning toward more singletrack 🙂

We’re doing a loop of Smith tract as a warm up, so bring your skills! Otherwise it’s some new roads and trails out near Acton, and a loop back through Hilton Falls. Should be perfect weather!

Bakery stop in Acton at Sweet Molly’s. Scratch that, they won’t be open. We’ll head to Andrews Farm Market & Winery instead at kilometre ~56.

There are two groups: recreational and intermediate. Both use the same route at different paces. Check the schedule for complete details.

Recreational Gravel: 21-24 km/h average
Intermediate Gravel: 24-26 km/h average

Check back for weather cancellation posted no later than 7:00 AM.

Advance sign-up required. Click here: Sunday Gravel Rides. You will have to create an account on

Start time: please be ready to pedal at 8:00 AM

Start location: The Guelph Youth Music Centre – GYMC

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