2021 Rides Are Starting!

We are back! Rides start on Tuesday, June 22nd. We will be introducing our new Tuesday All-Members Ride (“The TAM Ride”) that evening, then working through our recently updated Weekly Ride Schedule from there on out. 

If you haven’t already joined the club for this season, please do so HERE.

All participants in SRCC activities should follow the Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) Progressive Return to Cycling Guidelines and Return to Sport along with the latest Covid-19 safety recommendations from the Ontario Government, Ontario Public Health, local public health units and medical experts.

Please be sure to join SRCC and review our Group Ride Guidelines and Rider’s Responsibilities before your first club ride in 2021.

With the OCA’s Progressive Return to Sport guidelines, all club rides for this season will continue to need to have limited numbers, and all members will need to preregister for a ride before participating.

How to Sign Up for Group Rides

This year, SRCC will be using a central ride registration site. Members will need to signup for rides via the SRCC Signup Site.

Only those members who have signed up via the ride registration site will be able to participate in the scheduled club ride. When they’re full, they’re full! We will keep you up to date as we progress through the Steps of the Roadmap to Reopen.

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