Wed May 9 Relaxed Ride 6:30 PM

Yet another beautiful evening for a ride! Southeastern 42 km route from the Library back to Arkel – add another 8 to City Centre. Sunset is 8:31 PM – bring lights just the same. Click here for info on SRCC Group Ride Guidelines and here for info on The Social Paceline. And for those new to group riding show up at 6:15 for Group Riding Orientation . Tonight we’ll work on pace and communication up and down the line – no shortage of sand and other road hazards out there still!

One Comment

  1. Thanks Lorenz for the route, although I think we deviated slightly 🙂
    In our small group was 14 year old McKenzie. A rising track star, 14 years old and a girl. She could hold her own, didn’t half wheel, was steading on climbs, a natural rider. Wonderful to see her with her Dad doing what they both love. Thanks for coming out McKenzie!

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