RIDE CANCELLED Wednesday June 5th Gravel Ride – 6:30 PM

Wednesday Gravel Ride | June 5th, 2024 6:30PM

RIDE CANCELLED. It’s nice out now but the weather radar indicates that we’re going to get soaked this evening. As the days are getting longer the rides will do the same! Here’s a gravel ride that loops around some of our nearby favorite roads and trails. Note that the route can be shortened at various points if people choose to do so. Bring lights if you have them since we will be ending the ride on the trail from Guelph lake to downtown. The weather forecast is not great but not terrible so the final call will be made an hour before the ride.

Disclaimer: Depending on rider turn out, some Speed Groups may have to be combined.

The Speed Groups on this ride are:

CatNameAverage Speed
G1Fast26+ kph
G2Advanced24-26 kph
G3Intermediate22-24 kph
G4Relaxed19-22 kph

All rides need a minimum of 3 members signed up in order to officially run. If a ride has the required number of riders, but no Group Captain riding with them, that group ride will be considered cancelled. The group can decide among themselves to hold an ‘unofficial’ ride and follow the route. All group riders take it upon themselves to know the route and are responsible for their own safety.

GCC members only. To become a member join HERE

Advance sign-up required. Reserve your spot by clicking HERE

Start Time: please be ready to pedal at 6:30 PM

Start Location: Guelph Youth Music Centre 75 Cardigan St

Check here for weather cancellation posted no less than one hour before the ride begins

Route: Here is the route. Note that there are a number of shortcuts available for those who choose so.

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